This is a project to calc grades of projects. These are the requirements for the project:
- One endpoint to create or update projects.
- One endpoint to return projects with pagination from 25 to 100 objects per page. I choose 25 for this project.
- One endpoint to create or update criterias.
- When a criteria is updated the application should recalculate the weighted_means and the average for the projects.
- When a grade is updated the application should recalculate the weighted_means and the average for the projects.
First, up the dependencies services:
Inside project directory do:
- bundle install
- RAILS_ENV=development bundle e rails db:create
- RAILS_ENV=development bundle e rails db:migrate
- RAILS_ENV=development bundle e rails s
First, up the dependencies services:
make dependencies.start.test
Then inside backend project directory do:
- bundle install
- RAILS_ENV=test bundle e rails db:create
- RAILS_ENV=test rails db:migrate
- bundle e rspec
- make rubocop
POST /projects: /api/v1/projects
"name": "p13",
"assessments": [
"id": 24,
"grades": [
"grade": 10,
"criteria": {
"id": 28,
"weight": 30
"grade": 8,
"criteria": {
"id": 28,
"weight": 1.5
GET /projects: /api/v1/projects or GET /projects: /api/v1/projects?page={x}
POST /criterias: /api/v1/criterias
"id": 1,
"weight": 20