Palidator is a param validator, Yes as it sounds. This module will validate a set of multiple conditions sent to it with its corrsponding param(s) and it will return an array with the corresponding results.
The returned Array has the next format:
- Array Dimensions: 2 (n+1 * 2)
- results[0][0]= True if all validations were True otherwise False
- results[0][1]= If Any validation was False then this will be the sum of the validations did not pass.
- results[index][0]= The result of index validation (True | False)
- results[index][1]= If results[index][0] was False then this position will have the result (could be an exception catched) otherwise empty (True).
The most common validations for this will be:
- is integer
- is string
- is char
- betwen (for numerical comparitions)
- greater than
- smaller than
- equal
- is hash
And many others... (for more details go to documentation)
On Hold
"Para el pueblo" Yes that means MIT :)
If you want to contribute to this project feel free to put in contact with me ([email protected]) and lets discuss your ideas :)