syStat is a tool created to get basic status from our Linux Servers. syStat runs an scan in the system every time it is run.
- OS Details
- CPU Usage
- Memory
- Disk Space
- Network
- Processes Running
- Users
Ready to be used
There is a set of options to used in this tool, you can find an brief explanation below, for a more detailed explanation please got to docs.
The information could be retrived in next formats:
--stdout : print in terminal
--log : send output to standard log file
--mail <mail> : send output through mail
By default the tool will return status of all sections, if you need of one specific section you can do that by passing it(them) as parameter(s)
Python 3 or higher If ther is usage of --mail parameter the server must be configure as SMTP
"Para el pueblo" Yes that means MIT :)
If you want to contribute to this project feel free to put in contact with me ([email protected]) and lets discuss your ideas :)