Adds some advanced colour functions that helps in finding more contrasting colors:
- invertluma: inverts the luma of a color giving a version darken or lighter than the original
- contrastmore: if color1 and color2 have a similar luma, it contrast color2 a little bit more. If the color2 luma resultant is greater than 1, or less than 0, its luma is pivoted around color1 luma.
- autocontrast: if color1 and color2 have a similar luma, it contrast color2 a little bit more. If the color2 luma resultant is greater than 1, or less than 0, its luma gets inverted.
npm install -g less-plugin-advanced-color-functions
and then on the command line,
lessc file.less --advanced-color-functions
var LessPluginAdvancedColorFunctions = require('less-plugin-advanced-color-functions'),
AdvancedColorFunctions = new LessPluginAdvancedColorFunctions();
less.render(lessString, { plugins: [AdvancedColorFunctions] })
Browser usage is not supported at this time.
@color1: #ff0000;
@color2: #ee0000;
.colors {
invertluma: invertluma(@color1);
contrastmore: contrastmore(@color1,@color2);
autocontrast: autocontrast(@color1,@color2);
autocontrast50: autocontrast(@color1,@color2,50%);
.colors {
invertluma: #ff0000;
contrastmore: #650000;
autocontrast: #ff7878;
autocontrast50: #ffdede;