This is a port of the arcade game "Centipede" to the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). A demo is available at
Built off of the Nrom Template by Pinobatch ( Most of the information in this README is copied directly from there.
You'll need the following software installed to build this program:
- ca65 and ld65, the assembly language tools that ship with the cc65 C compiler
- GNU Make, a program to calculate which files need to be rebuilt when other files change
- GNU Coreutils, a set of simple command-line utilities for file management and text processing
You'll need the following software installed to contribute to or otherwise edit this program:
- an NES emulator (FCEUX is recommended)
- a CHR sprite editor (YY-CHR is recommended)
- your text editor of choice
The program is distributed under the following license, based on the GNU All-Permissive License:
Copyright 2011-2016 Nicholas Milford
Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved in all source code copies. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.