BIN.SO is minimalistic paste bin service focused on security:
- Search engines are not allowed to crawl and index content uploaded to application
- Each uploaded content is assigned with uniq random ID
- Uploaded content could be protected by password. Data is encrypted in the browser, then encrypted data sends to the server.
First, data is encrypted on client-side, just inside browser. Then data is submitted to the server. Server stores already encrypted data, it is not possible to read data even you have direct access to the database.
When you open content's page the encrypted data is loaded from the server to web-browser. Then you provide the password and it is used to decrypt data and display it in the browser.
- Fork github repo
- Create new application in heroku dashboard
- On Deply tab choose Github option and connect forked repo
- Click "Deploy Branch" in Manual deploy section
- Wait 30 seconds
- Click "View" button
- - official instance running by author of sbin