Startproject is a starting point for creating websites with Django Fiber.
- Django (1.6.2)
- Django Fiber (0.13)
- psycopg2 (2.5.2)
- South (0.8.4)
- Normalize (3.0.1)
- jQuery (2.1.0)
- Modernizr (2.7.1)
$ git clone [email protected]:leukeleu/startproject.git
$ cd startproject
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cp startproject/ startproject/
$ python syncdb --migrate
$ python loaddata ./fixtures/example_initial_data.json
$ python runserver 0:8000
When renaming the project, don't forget to replace 'startproject' with the project name in:
- startproject/
- startproject/
- startproject (directory)
is set to an empty string in startproject/
For production generate a new secret key with the following one-liner and use the result as value for SECRET_KEY
$ python -c 'import random; print "".join([random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)") for i in range(50)])'
$ gem install compass oily_png guard guard-compass guard-livereload
The next steps require node.js ( Install node packages / gulp dependencies:
$ npm install
Install gulp as a global node.js package
$ npm install -g gulp
To execute livereload / compass
$ gulp dev
Note: currently livereload only works when DEBUG=True