This project counts average salary for different programming languages developers, devopses and data science specialists in different cities or regions.
You need Python3 interpreter to use this script. All needed dependences are included in requirements.txt file. Use
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install them (use pip3
instead pip
if you have both python2 and python3 versions).
Run the script and give it the name of city or region as an argument (only cirillic symbols)
python Москва
use python3
instead python
if you have both python2 and python3 versions
As a result you will get two tables. The first one will show you average salary statistics according to resource for the last 30 days. And the second one will show you the same statistics according to for the last 7 days. This script processes vacancies with specified salary in RUR currency.
This script was performed as a part of API web-services cource by Devman