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Custom objects

Mike Hermans edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 2 revisions

To overwrite the default Clarkson_Object create wordpress-objects/post.php or any other internal post type like page or attachment.

To overwrite the default Clarkson_Term create wordpress-objects/category.php or any other internal taxonomy like post_tag.

To overwrite the default Clarkson_User create wordpress-objects/user.php.


Clarkson Core autoloads all registered Custom Post Types, Taxonomies and Users from the wordpress-objects directory within your active theme.

Clarkon Core is _Child Theme_compatible. So when you have a post.php in both your parent theme and your child theme, the child theme class gets loaded instead of the parent one. 🎉

You can create a Base class which the Post class Extends from, but you should load this class manually.

Custom Post Types

It’s possible to extend the Clarkson Object to your own Custom Post Type by creating classes that represent the Custom Post Types.

  1. Register your CPT Just register your CPT like you always do via:
<?php register_post_type( 'll-company', $args );
  1. Add your custom class Add a custom WordPress object class to the wordpress-objects directory within your current active theme via clarkson-theme/wordpress-objects/ll-company.php:
class ll_company extends Clarkson_Post {
    public function get_website() {
        return get_post_meta( $this->get_id(), 'll-website' );

When you register a Custom Post Type ll_company your custom class ll_company gets loaded in the objects variable within the loop. For example: When visiting the archive of this CPT like archive-company.twig, all the posts are of the class ll_company.

Custom Terms

In the same way as you extend a CPT, you can register a Custom Taxonomy, create a class for it and extend the basic Clarkson_Term class.

This means when you have a Custom Taxonomy named company-category:

register_taxonomy( 'll-company-category', 'll-company', $args );

a custom WordPress Term:

class ll_company_category extends Clarkson_Term {
    // custom code

Which will result in some magic so that when you want to retrieve all terms via $company->get_terms('ll-company-category') an array of terms based on the class ll_company_category will be returned:

$company            = new ll_company( $post );
$company_categories = $company->get_terms('ll-company-category');

Template objects

When using a custom template Clarkson Core automatically loads a corresponding custom WordPress Object. So if your template is called template-headquarter.twig then within it will load wordpress-objects/template_headquarter.php into the object variable instead of the default Clarkson Object.

class template_headquarter extends Clarkson_Object {

User role based objects

When Clarkson retrieves an User object, it will check if there is a custom WordPress Object available based on the current user_role of the current User. So if you are logged in as an Administrator it will use the wordpress-objects/user_administrator.php class when calling object->get_author();.

class user_administrator extends Clarkson_User {

Loading order

The loading order of which object Class Clarkson will use is as following, where a higher number will overrule a lower number.

Custom Post Types:

  1. Default Clarkson_Object.
  2. Custom wordpress-object/page.php or an other Custom Post Type.
  3. Custom wordpress-object/template_headquarter.php.


  1. Default User_Object.
  2. Custom wordpress-object/user_administrator.php or an other User role name.