ofxTLVMMControl is an addon for ofxTimeline to add a pseudo-track ofxDatGui channel full of widgets meant send params to my application VMM.
This addon is a customization of the ofxTLButtons addon by https://github.com/hvfrancesco/ofxTLButtons.
MyAddon uses ofxDatGui instead of ofxUI. I will publish a ofxTLDatGuiTrack addon for general purpose.
To use it with ofxTimeline basically you have to:
Add in addons.make after ofxTimeline and its dependencies add:
-- or --
Use the Project Generator to add ofxTLVMMControl
In you header file add (usually next to #include "ofxTimeline.h"):
include "ofxTLVMMControl.h"
And the in your cpp file you can add buttons track with something like this:
ofxTLVMMControl* buttonsTrack = new ofxTLVMMControl(string osc_target_ip ,int osc_target_port);
string buttonsTrackName = _name; //name of your track
buttonsTrack->setXMLFileName(buttonsTrackName+".xml"); //make sure to set the xml so it will save.
timeline->addTrack(_name, buttonsTrack);
To send events I created an event in the .h
class VMMOscMessageEvent : public ofEventArgs{
ofxOscMessage m;
string message;
int value;
void composeOscMsg(int track, string msg, float val){
message = "/" + msg;
value = (int)floor(val);
//compose an osc message
static ofEvent <VMMOscMessageEvent> events;
And then in the .cpp file add the instance of the event.
#include "ofxTLVMMControl.h"
#include "ofxTimeline.h"
// setup the events to pass back
ofEvent <VMMOscMessageEvent> VMMOscMessageEvent::events;
Another importan note: If you want to disable the mouse events on ofxDatGui components the update() functions accepts a boolean param. Setting to false disables mouse events. This is needed if you have multiple timelines/tabs.
playNoteOffToggle->setPosition(bounds.getX(), bounds.getY());
playNoteOffToggle->setVisible(bounds.getBottom()-bounds.getTop() < playNoteOffToggle->getHeight() ? false : true);
- default settings when you create a VMM track
- color coded VMMTLControl sliders for easy identification
- reduce the height of the params. adopt style of enclosing UI
- color code clip matrix so you know which clip has data
- *button to reset params.
- test button.
- clear button.
- disable frame I-bar with VMM track.
- setup undo on VMM
- tab navigate through VMM controls
- step increment on VMM params.
- custom curve track with controls on the left and right.
- Hide measure bars on VMM track only if VMM track is present.
- alternate colors for bars in background
- *render button
- change params to float.
- reload/revert track.