Releases: li2/android-common
Releases · li2/android-common
Rx & Coroutine utils for broadcast, sdcard, sensor, etc
Context: getVersionName, openUrl
0.2.1 Bump version to 0.2.1
Upgraded to RxBinding4, RxJava3, RxKotlin3
0.2.0 Bump version to 0.2.0
Resource to data class; LiveData.combineLatest:
- Updated Resource to data class
- LiveData.combineLatest: combine the latest value emitted by each LiveData.
- RateLimiter: Utility class that decides whether we should fetch some data or not.
LiveData isLoading, isError, isIdle extension functions
0.1.11 Bump version to 0.1.11
LiveData post error as well as data if has
0.1.10 Bump version to 0.1.10
Added utils to open App
0.1.9 Bump version to 0.1.9
Initial Release
Utilities includes:
├── arch
│ ├── Event.kt
│ ├── LiveDataExt.kt
│ ├── Resource.kt
│ └── SingleLiveEvent.kt
├── collections
│ └── CollectionsExt.kt
├── framework
│ ├── ApiLevelUtils.kt
│ └── CookiesUtil.kt
├── logic
│ └── BooleanExt.kt
├── net
│ └── Uri.kt
├── number
│ ├── IntExt.kt
│ └── NumberFormatUtils.kt
├── rx
│ ├── ObservableExt.kt
│ ├── RxBluetooth.kt
│ ├── RxBus.kt
│ ├── RxDialog.kt
│ ├── RxPermissions.kt
│ └── internal
└── text
├── StringExt.kt
└── buildSpanned.kt