This release aligns with the JOSS paper
Significant updates documentation packages
Displacement field and associated deformation tensors for dislocations in anisotropic elastic media
Multiple improvements to arc-length continuation for flexible boundary conditions (NCFlex): Mode II fracture, mixed mode I/II fracture, parallel calculations
Tools for generation of stacking fault & gamma surface (generalised stacking fault) images
Committees of models as a calculator
Compatibility with recent ASE and scipy versions
Scripts are now an installable command-line interface; experimental scripts remain in a "staging" subdirectory
Updated documentation packages
Added tool for generating dislocation quadrupoles for any CubicCrystalDislocation or CubicCrystalDissociatedDislocation
Refactor of dislocation internals & testing to allow for easy integration of new dislocation types and displacement solver methods.
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