This is a repository that will contain notes from each chapter of the book How Linux Works, 2nd Edition by Brian Ward.
If you want to contribute to this by either correcting any error in the notes or adding your own, feel free to fork this project and follow the structure from existing directories, where the directory is [name]-notes, and its subdirectories are chapter-[chapter-number] and create your own Markdown files for your notes.
Each directory per chapter should contain the following two files:
- Rough notes: these are notes that you write down while you're reading the book. They're the ones you jot down in the heat of the moment, or something that caught your eye, but there are no proper links with overall knowledge. They're just notes that should reflect your manner of working, your train of thoughts.
- Structured notes: these are the notes that will be born out of your rough notes, with proper lists, explanations, and references to previous (or future) structured notes. These are (ideally) the notes you'd share with other people, the cleaner reading for everyone.
Maintaining two types of notes force you to be naturally messy, maintaning your spirit, and then filtering those notes into better form.
- Chapter 1: The Big Picture
- Chapter 2: Basic Commands and Directory Hierarchy
- Chapter 3: Devices
- Chapter 4: Disks and Filesystems
- Chapter 5: Linux Booting: Boot Loaders and Kernel
- Chapter 6: How User Space Starts
- Chapter 7: System Configuration: Logging, System Time, Batch Jobs, and Users
- Chapter 8: A Closer Look at Processes and Resource Utilization
- Chapter 9: Understanding Your Network and Its Configuration
- Chapter 10: Network Applications and Services
- Chapter 11: Introduction to Shell Scripts
- Chapter 12: Moving Files Across the Network
- Chapter 13: User Environments
- Chapter 14: A Brief Survey of the Linux Desktop
- Chapter 15: Development Tools
- Chapter 16: Compiling Software from Source Code
- Chapter 17: Building on the Basics