This tool is meant to run as a hidden service in order to know what each user request or modifies. It will not limit nor interfere with the users request but only store the changes and data received.
- x-header-audit-thread → id-string-uuid
- Api to list thread: /auditing/?eq(thread,string:id-string-uuid)`
: 2016/09/28 First version with basic auditing enabled by default, collection changes.
- Need Graviton ^v0.77.0, so ModelEvent is fired on Document Updates.
- Setup configuration in
# General on/off switch
log_enabled: true
# Localhost and not Real User on/off switch
log_test_calls: false
# Store request log also on 400 error
log_on_failure: false
# Request methods to be saved, array PUT,POST,DELETE,PATCH...
requests: []
# Store full request header request data.
request_headers: false
# Store full request content body. if true full lenght, can be limited with a integer
request_content: false
# Store reponse basic information. if true full lenght, can be limited with a integer
response: false
# Store full response header request data.
response_headers: false
# Store response body content
response_content: false
# Store data base events, array of events, insert, update, delete
database: ['insert','update','delete']
# Store all exception
exceptions: false
# Exclude header status exceptions code, 400=bad request, form validation
exceptions_exclude: [400]
# Exclude listed URLS, array
exlude_urls: ["/auditing"]
- composer require graviton/graviton-service-bundle-audit-tracking
- Inside graviton load the bundle: GravitonBundleBundle:getBundles - add the load of this new bundle
- Enable in config the log_test_calls: true ( also, so you use the bundle in dev mode )
- Enable in resources/ the new bundle:
- composer require graviton/graviton-service-bundle-audit-tracking
- sh