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Librairy Explorer Release Status Dev Status Doc

It provides programmatic access to functionality and content of librairy. Different facades are offered based on the type of the operation:

  • Management: Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) resources.
  • Read: Get a resource by key, e.g. by uri.
  • Search: Get a sorted list of resources based on internal criterias, i.e. based only on the content of the resource. For example, resources containing the word graphic in their title.
  • Exploration: Find a path or get resources from their relationships.

Each of them is presented as a RESTful-API using JSON as the return format.

Data Model

Data is organized internally as follows:

Data Model

The next figure tries to clarify the distinction between documents and items. A document describes a file not the content, and may aggregates more documents as far as contains new files inside. Instead, an item is an abstract entity containing only one kind of data (e.g. text, image, workflow, etc) retrieved from a document. <<<<<<< HEAD




Get Started!

The only prerequisite to consider is to have installed Docker-Compose in your system.

Once it is installed, create a file named docker-compose.yml containing the following services:

  container_name: column-db
  image: librairy/column-db:1.0
    - "9042"
    - "9160"
  container_name: document-db
  image: librairy/document-db:1.0
    - "9200"
    - "9300"
    - "5020:9200"
  container_name: graph-db
  image: librairy/graph-db:1.0
    - "7474"
    - "5030:7474"
  container_name: event-bus
  image: librairy/event-bus:1.0
    - "15672"
    - "5672"
  container_name: explorer
  image: librairy/explorer:latest
    - "8080"
    - "8080:8080"
    - column-db
    - document-db
    - graph-db
    - event-bus

and then, deploy it by typing:

$ docker-compose up

That's all!! librairy explorer should be run in your system now.

Verify that it works on: http://localhost:8080/api.

Note that by using Docker from OS X, the host address is not localhost. See here for more details.


As previously mentioned, several facades are deployed to support different type of requests.


Oriented to manage data. This service, along with librairy-boot, are the entry point for external services.

Feel free to organize your data as your convenience, either by using the librairy-harvester or directly creating resources by using this RESTful-API.


Oriented to get detailed information of a resource.


Oriented to find resources based on their content.


Oriented to find path based on relationships.

Distributed Deployment

Instead of deploy all containers as a whole, you can deploy each of them independently. It is useful to run the service in a distributed way deployed in several host-machines.

  • Column-oriented Database:

    $ docker run -it --rm --name column-db -p 5010:8080 -p 5011:9042 -p 5012:9160 librairy/column-db:1.0
  • Document-oriented Database:

    $ docker run -it --rm --name document-db -p 5020:9200 -p 5021:9300 librairy/document-db:1.0
  • Graph-oriented Database:

    $ docker run -it --rm --name graph-db -p 5030:7474 librairy/graph-db:1.0
  • Message Broker:

    $ docker run -it --rm --name event-bus -p 5040:15672 -p 5041:5672 librairy/event-bus:1.0
  • Explorer:

    $ docker run -it --rm --name explorer -p 8080:8080 --link column-db --link document-db --link graph-db --link event-bus librairy/explorer

Remember that by using the flags: -it --rm, the services runs in foreground mode. Instead, you can deploy it in background mode as a domain service by using: -d --restart=always