Available libraries:
- ZLib
Supported Operating systems:
- Windows
- Linux
Supported Smalltalk dialects:
- Pharo
Metacello new
baseline: 'CApi';
repository: 'github://lifeware-sa/C-API';
load: 'ZLib-Core'.
Metacello new
baseline: 'CApi';
repository: 'github://lifeware-sa/C-API';
If you wish to set a dependency to C-API in your application, you simply need to add the following in your baseline:
baseline: 'CApi'
with: [ spec repository: 'github://lifeware-sa/C-API/src' ].
To depend on a partial version of C-API, you may use:
spec baseline: 'CApi' with: [
loads: #( 'ZLib-Core' );
repository: 'github://lifeware-sa/C-API/src' ].
Probably the binaries (.dll or .so.1 files) are missing.
After loading code with Metacello, they are automatically extracted. But if you move the image to another folder or computer, you'll need to extract the binaries again by evaluating
Dll ensureDlls
Probably a subclass of PH_lib isn't initialized.
After loading code with Metacello, they are automatically initialized, to initialize them manually, evaluate
PH_lib initializeCurrentLibs