A Gtoolkit interface to GemStone
To install the Pharo component in a Gt image (currently only tested in a vanilla Pharo 9 image):
Metacello new
repository: 'github://feenkcom/gt4gemstone:main/src';
baseline: 'GtGemstoneClient';
Installation in to the GemStone server is TBS.
All tests in GToolkit-GemStone-Test
package should pass.
With the GemStone RSR server running (Sparkle/src-gs/server.sh
| connection evaluatorServiceClient result |
connection := (RsrInitiateConnection host: 'localhost' port: 29299) connect.
evaluatorServiceClient := GtRsrEvaluatorServiceClient new.
evaluatorServiceClient registerWith: connection.
result := evaluatorServiceClient
evaluateAndWait: 'self + three'
for: 4
bindings: { #three -> 3 } asDictionary.
{ result. connection. evaluatorServiceClient. }
The result should be a RsrPromise
with value 7