about the feature of this file.
This project is build for the local net text and binary file transport.
update in 2024年1月19日17点37分
use the broadcast function to find the other host.
but it can only run in
for (auto ip: all_ip) {
auto ips = ip.toString();
auto all = ips.split('.');
for (int i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {
QHostAddress tmp(needIp);tcp->getUdpSock()->writeDatagram("hello", tmp, this->port);
but can't be in
for (auto ip: all_ip) {
auto ips = ip.toString();
auto all = ips.split('.');
QHostAddress tmp(needIp);tcp->getUdpSock()->writeDatagram("hello", tmp, this->port);
this version is already implement the text send and file convert. But the
last part of the scent file can't be received. Reason unknown.
This project is powered by QT.
System.out.println("hello world");
this version can show the ipaddress and use a name instand of an ip
and it can send the full file now!
- 111
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offical net
we fineshed the file transport the file less than 1GB. And trans diractions.And file save path and the net port name of self computer can be change now.
we can use a css file to control to the test style now.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./setting/style.css">