This is a beta GraphQL transpiler written in Kotlin.
License: Apache 2.
This library
parses a GraphQL schema and
uses the information of the annotated schema to translate GraphQL queries and parameters into Cypher queries and parameters.
Those Cypher queries can then executed, e.g via the Neo4j-Java-Driver (or other JVM drivers) against the graph database and the results can be returned directly to the caller.
The request, result and error handling is not part of this library, but we provide demo programs on how to use it in different languages.
All the [features|supported features] are listed and explained below, more detailed docs will be added in time. |
Similar to neo4j-graphql-js
this library focuses on query translation, just for the JVM instead of Node.js.
It does not provide a server (except as examples) or other facilities but is meant to be used as a dependency included for a single purpose.
If this library is feature complete we plan to replace the code in the current Neo4j server plugin neo4j-graphql
with a single call to this library.
The server plugin would still handle request-response and error-handling, and perhaps some schema management but be slimmed down to a tiny piece.
This library uses graphql-java
under the hood for parsing of schema and queries, and managing the GraphQL state and context.
But not for nested field resolvers or data fetching.
If you wanted, you could combine graphql-java
resolvers with this library to have a part of your schema handled by Neo4j.
Thanks a lot to the maintainers of graphql-java
for the awesome library.
You can use the library as dependency: org.neo4j:neo4j-graphql-java:1.0.0-M02
in any JVM program.
The basic usage should be:
val schema =
type Person {
name: ID!
age: Int
# Optional if you use generated queries
type Query {
person : [Person]
personByName(name:String) : Person
val query = """ { p:personByName(name:"Joe") { age } } """
val schema = SchemaBuilder.buildSchema(idl)
val (cypher, params) = Translator(schema).translate(query, params)
// generated Cypher
cypher == "MATCH (p:Person) WHERE = $pName RETURN p {.age} as p"
You find more usage examples in the TCK scripts.
Here is a minimalistic example in Groovy using the Neo4j-Java driver and Spark-Java as webserver.
It is running against a Neo4j instance at bolt://localhost
(username: neo4j
, password: password
) containing the :play movies
(You can also use a Kotlin based server example.)
// Simplistic GraphQL Server using SparkJava
import spark.*
import static spark.Spark.*
import org.neo4j.graphql.*
import org.neo4j.driver.v1.*
schema = """
type Person {
name: ID!
born: Int
actedIn: [Movie] @relation(name:"ACTED_IN")
type Movie {
title: ID!
released: Int
tagline: String
type Query {
person : [Person]
gson = new Gson()
render = (ResponseTransformer)gson.&toJson
def query(value) { gson.fromJson(value,Map.class)["query"] }
graphql = new Translator(SchemaBuilder.buildSchema(schema))
def translate(query) { graphql.translate(query) }
driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost",AuthTokens.basic("neo4j","password"))
def run(cypher) { driver.session().withCloseable {, Values.value(cypher.params)).list{ it.asMap() }}}
post("/graphql","application/json", { req, res -> run(translate(query(req.body())).first()) }, render);
Run the example with:
groovy docs/Server.groovy
and use http://localhost:4567/graphql as your GraphQL URL.
It uses a schema of:
type Person {
name: ID!
born: Int
actedIn: [Movie] @relation(name:"ACTED_IN")
type Movie {
title: ID!
released: Int
tagline: String
type Query {
person : [Person]
And can run queries like:
person(first:3) {
actedIn(first:2) {
You can also test it with curl
curl -XPOST http://localhost:4567/graphql -d'{"query":"{person {name}}"}'
This example doesn’t handle introspection queries but the one in the test directory does.
{ person(filter: {name_starts_with: "L"}, orderBy: "born_asc", first: 5, offset: 2) { name born actedIn(first: 1) { title } } }
{ person(filter: {name_starts_with: "J", born_gte: 1970}, first:2) { name born actedIn(first:1) { title released } } }
parse SDL schema
resolve query fields via result types
handle arguments as equality comparisons for top level and nested fields
handle relationships via @relation directive on schema fields
@relation directive on types for rich relationships (from, to fields for start & end node)
handle first, offset arguments
argument types: string, int, float, array
request parameter support
parametrization for cypher query
inline and named fragments
auto-generate query fields for all objects
@cypher directive for fields to compute field values, support arguments
auto-generate mutation fields for all objects to create, update, delete
@cypher directive for top level queries and mutations, supports arguments
Currently schemas with object types, enums, fragments and Query types are parsed and handled. We support @relation directives on fields and types for rich relationships We support @cypher directives on fields and top-level query and mutation fields. The configurable augmentation auto-generates queries and mutations (create,update,delete) for all types. It supports the built-in scalars for GraphQL. For arguments we support input types in many places and filters as known from GraphCool/Prisma.
For query fields that result in object types (even if wrapped in list/non-null), the appropriate object type is found in the schema and used to translate the query.
type Query {
person: [Person]
# query "person" is resolved to and via "Person"
type Person {
name : String
If you add a simple argument to your top-level query or nested related fields, those will be translated to direct equality comparisons.
person(name:"Joe", age:42) {
MATCH (person:Person) WHERE = 'Joe' AND person.age = 42 RETURN person { .name } AS person
Only that the literal values are turned into parameters.
If you want to represent a relationship from the graph in GraphQL you have to add an @relation
directive that contains the relationship-type and the direction.
Default relationship-type is 'OUT'.
So you can use different domain names in your GraphQL fields that are independent of your graph model.
type Person {
name : String
actedIn: [Movie] @relation(name:"ACTED_IN", direction:"OUT")
person(name:"Keanu Reeves") {
actedIn {
We use Neo4j’s pattern comprehensions to represent nested graph patterns in Cypher. |
To support pagination first
is translated to LIMIT
in Cypher and offset
into SKIP
For nested queries these are converted into slices for arrays.
person(offset: 5, first:10) {
MATCH (person:Person) RETURN person { .name } AS person SKIP 5 LIMIT 10
The default Neo4j types are handled both as argument types as well as field types.
Datetime and spatial not yet. |
We handle passed in GraphQL parameters, these are resolved correctly when used within the GraphQL query.
As we don’t want to have literal values in our Cypher queries, all of them are translated into parameters.
person(name:"Joe", age:42, first:10) {
MATCH (person:Person) WHERE = $personName AND person.age = $personAge RETURN person { .name } AS person LIMIT $first
Those parameters are returned as part of the Cypher
type that’s returned from the translate()
We support query aliases, they are used as Cypher aliases too, so you get them back as keys in your result records.
For example:
query {
jane: person(name:"Jane") { name, age }
joe: person(name:"Joe") { name, age }
This is more of a technical feature, both types of fragments are resolved internally.
We support sorting via an orderBy
argument, which takes an Enum or String value of fieldName_asc
or fieldName_desc
query {
person(orderBy:[name_asc, age_desc]) {
MATCH (person:Person)
RETURN person { .name, .age } AS person
ORDER BY ASC, person.age DESC
Those enums are not yet automatically generated. And we don’t support ordering yet on nested, related fields. |
To represent rich relationship types with properties, a @relation
directive is supported on an object type.
In our example it would be the Role
type Role @relation(name:"ACTED_IN", start:"actor", end:"movie") {
actor: Person
movie: Movie
roles: [String]
type Person {
name: String
born: Int
roles: [Role]
type Movie {
title: String
released: Int
characters: [Role]
person(name:"Keanu Reeves") {
roles {
movie {
Filters are a powerful way of selecting a subset of data. Inspired by the filter approach, our filters work the same way.
we’ll create more detailed docs, for now the prisma docs on that topic are pretty good. |
We use nested input types for arbitrary filtering on query types and fields
{ Company(filter: { AND: { name_contains: "Ne", country_in ["SE"]}}) { name } }
You can also apply nested filter on relations, which use suffixes like ("",not,some, none, single, every)
{ Company(filter: {
employees_none { name_contains: "Jan"},
employees_some: { gender_in : [female]},
company_not: null })
Those nested input types are not yet generated, we use leniency in the parser. |
We support inline and named fragments according to the GraphQL spec. Most of this is resolved on the parser/query side.
fragment details on Person { name, email, dob }
query {
person {
query {
person {
... on Person { name, email, dob }
With @cypher
directives you can add the power of Cypher to your GraphQL API.
It allows you, without code to compute field values using complex queries.
You can also write your own, custom top-level queries and mutations using Cypher.
Arguments on the field are passed to the Cypher statement as parameters.
Input types are supported, they appear as Map
type in your Cypher statement.
Those Cypher directive queries are only included in the generated Cypher statement if the field or query is included in the GraphQL query. |
type Movie {
title: String
released: Int
similar(limit:Int=10): [Movie] @cypher(statement:"
MATCH (this)-->(:Genre)<--(sim)
WITH sim, count(*) as c ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT $limit
RETURN sim")
Here the this
variable is bound to the current movie and you can use it to navigate the graph and collect data.
The limit
variable is passed to the query as parameter.
Similarly you can use the @cypher
directive with a top level query.
type Query {
person(name:String) Person @cypher("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE = $name RETURN p")
Of course you can also return arrays from your query, the statements on query fields should be read-only queries.
You can do the same for mutations, just with updating Cypher statements.
type Mutation {
createPerson(name:String, age:Int) Person @cypher("CREATE (p:Person) SET = $name, p.age = $age RETURN p")
You can use more complex statements for creating these entities or even subgraphs.
The common CRUD mutations and queries are auto-generated, see below. |
To reduce the amount of boilerplate code a user has to write we auto-generate top-level CRUD queries and mutations for all types.
This is configurable via the API, you can:
disable auto-generation (for mutations/queries)
disable it per type
disable mutations per operation (create,delete,update)
For a schema like this:
type Person {
name: String
age: Int
It would auto-generate quite a lot of things:
a query:
person(id:ID, name:String , age: Int, _id: Int, filter:_PersonFilter, orderBy:_PersonOrdering, first:Int, offset:Int) : [Person]
enum, for theorderBy
argument with all fields for_asc
sort order -
for creating Person objects -
for thefilter
argument, which is a deeply nested input object (see Filters) -
mutations for:
createPerson(id:ID!, name:String, age: Int) : Person
updatePerson(id:ID!, name:String, age:Int) : Person
deletePerson(id:ID!) : Person
You can then use those in your GraphQL queries like this:
query { person(age:42, orderBy:name_asc) {
mutation {
createPerson(id: "34920n9qw0", name:"Jane Doe", age:42) {