This is a repository for the course Math 54: Linear Algebra & Differential Equations in Fall 2022.
This repository contains most of the information you need for this course (lecture notes, assignments). Course sensitive information (announcements, exam, grade distribution etc) will be posted on bCourses (CalNet ID required).
This document includes information also for students from Professor Paulin's class last semester in need of a makeup exam and students enrolled in Math 49 for this course.
Please read the Course Policy VERY CAREFULLY
For administrative questions (not covered in the course policy): please email the Lead GSI first: Jiahao Yao [email protected]
Instructor: Lin Lin
Lecture: MonWedFri 09:10AM - 10:00AM Dwinelle 155
Office Hours: Mon 10:10AM-11:00AM, Wed 3:10PM-4PM. Evans 817
Important dates
Midterm 1: 9/23 Fri. 9:10AM-10AM in class.
Midterm 2: 10/28 Fri. 9:10AM-10AM in class.
Final: 12/15 Thu 7-10 pm PST. Location TBD.
Textbook: Linear algebra and differential equations, Second Custom Edition for UC Berkeley. ISBN: 9780137114030
The new textbook contains chapters from the 5th and 6th (new to this custom version) editions of Lay, Lay, & McDonald's Linear Algebra and Its Applications and chapters from the 9th edition of Nagle, Saff and Snider's Fundamentals of Differential Equations. The original custom edition only included chapters from the 5th edition of Lay, Lay, & McDonald's Linear Algebra and Its Applications, and chapters from the 9th edition of Nagle, Saff and Snider's Fundamentals of Differential Equations.
Previous versions of the custom edition, or the separate textbooks as above may work (I do not have earlier versions of the textbooks with me so I cannot explain the detailed differences), and it is your responsibility to make sure that you are doing the correct problem sets for your homework.
GSI office hours:
Lewis Pan, Monday/Wednesday 12-1 PM, Evans 1070
Katalin Berlow, Tuesday/Thursday 6:30-7:30 PM, Evans 762
Ovidiu-Neculai Avadanei, Monday and Wednesday 1-2 PM, Evans 869
Jiasu Wang, Tuesday 2-4pm, Evans 739.
Yulong Dong, Tuesday 11:50-12:20pm and 3:30-5pm, Evans 787
Chan Bae, Tuesday/Thursday 7-8 PM, Evans 1066
Robert SchĂĽtz, Wed 11-1 in Evans 961.
Rose Lopez, Mondays 1-3, Evans 1061
Jiahao Yao, Fri, 4 - 5 pm, Evans 935
GSI emails:
Jiahao Yao [email protected],
Lewis Pan [email protected],
Jiasu Wang [email protected],
Ovidiu-Neculai Avadanei [email protected],
Yulong Dong [email protected],
Katalin Berlow [email protected],
Chan Bae [email protected],
Robert Schutz [email protected],
Rose Lopez [email protected]
Piazza page: General questions about the course and its content, which might be of interest to other students, can be asked on the piazza page.
Additional resources:
Math 54 Adjunct Sign-Up Form: - Filling out this form will allow students to access the Zoom links for the first two weeks.
Math 54 Adjunct Syllabus: - Here students can see more details about what the adjunct is about, how the logistics will work, and additional resources for Math 54 material.
SLC's Math/Stat Adjunct Website: - Here students can find more information about what the adjunct program is and why they should sign up.
Overview of Math/Stat services: - Here, students can find the time and locations of all adjuncts, including the one for this class.
General information of the class (pdf)
Systems of linear equations, 1.1
Homework due 8/30 Tue: 1.1: 1, 7, 9, 11, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 38
No Quiz on 8/25 Thu
Row reduction 1.2.
Homework due 8/30 Tue: 1.2: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 34, 45
Vectors and matrices. 1.3, 1.4.
Homework due 9/6 Tue:
1.3: 5, 11, 14, 18, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 38
1.4: 3, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 32, 34, 36, 45
Solution sets of linear systems. 1.5
Linear independence. 1.7
Homework due 9/6 Tue: 1.5: 3, 8, 17, 21, 24, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 47, 50
Quiz on 9/1 Thu covers: 1.1-1.2
Linear transformations. 1.8, 1.9
Homework due 9/6 Tue: 1.7: 1,8,9,11,14,16,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,32,35,38,39,41,42,46
The optional homework assignments are not required to be submitted to your GSI. These optional assignments can help consolidate your understanding of the course material.
Matrix operations. 2.1.
Homework due 9/13 Tue:
1.8: 9,22,24,33,37
1.9: 4,15,24,26,43
2.1: 12,18,19,26,29,32,42
1.8: 1,3,17,19,20,21,25,27,28,30,34,36,38
1.9: 5,6,10,11,14,23,27,29,32,34,40,
2.1: 2,6,9,11,15,16,17,22,23,24,31,35,37,38,39
Quiz on 9/8 Thu covers: 1.3-1.7
Matrix inverse and invertible matrices 2.2, 2.3
Homework due 9/13 Tue:
2.2: 10,12,18,27,29
2.3: 4,11,19,21,28
2.2: 2,13,16,17,20,30,37,43,44
2.3: 12,13,15,30,35,45
Subspaces, 2.8, Dimension and rank, 2.9.
Homework due 9/20 Tue:
2.8: 8,17,25,28,36
2.9: 14,17,22,26,35
2.8: 5,7,9,15,21,22,23,26,31,41,43
2.9: 3,5,7,9,11,16,19,23,24,32,33
Vector space, 4.1.
Homework due 9/20 Tue:
4.1: 9,13,20,23,32,41
4.1: 1,3,14,19,21,24,27,31,32,37,40
Quiz on 9/15 Thu covers: 1.8-2.3
Now we start to see something cool about linear algebra in real life:
Read this article on Word2Vec if you want to understand how computers can figure out the meaning of equations like
"King - Man + Woman = Queen"
using linear algebra. If you want to know even more about this, watch this video.
Null space, column spaces and linear transformations, 4.2
Homework due 9/20 Tue:
4.2: 15,37,42,43,45
4.2: 2,3,7,12,25,26,31,32,33,34
Bases, coordinates 4.3, 4.4
Homework due 9/27 Tue:
4.3: 8,11,19,23,30,36
4.4: 13,16,24,35,36
4.3: 3,4,13,15,21,22,23,24,32,34,35
4.4: 3,6,11,15,17,22,26,28,30,31
Dimension, rank 4.5
Homework due 9/27 Tue:
4.5: 6,12,18,20,25,27,45,52
4.5: 3,11,19,21,22,23,24,29,32,34,39,43,44
No Quiz on 9/22 Thu
Midterm #1 in class, covers: 1.1-2.9 (Materials in Chapter 4 are not included in Midterm 1 but will appear in Midterm 2)
List of topics in Midterm 1 (pdf) : this is the Study Sheet written by Prof. Nikhil Srivastava. I cannot do a better job than him in terms of summarizing and clarifying the key definitions, theorems, algorithms, and types of problems that you should know. Please read this carefully. (Chapter 3 is not covered in Midterm 1)
More resources:
Prof. Alexander Paulin has a nice collection of practice exams and solutions .
Practice Midterm 1#1 and solutions (Prof. Nikhil Srivastava)
Practice Midterm 1#2 and solutions (Prof. Nikhil Srivastava)
Practice Midterm 1#3 and solutions (Prof. Nikhil Srivastava)
Change of basis, 4.6. Matrix representation of linear transformation (part of 5.4)
Homework due 10/4 Tue:
4.6: 5,10,14,16
5.4: 3,5,6
Optional: 4.6: 2,3,11,12,13,17
In the class we watched part of a video describing the geometric idea behind determinants. You should also watch this video explaining the idea behind negative area in 2D (from 3:50) and in 3D (from 6:50).
If you have not watched the videos by 3Blue1Brown before, I also highly recommend his videos on
Linear combination, Abstract vector spaces, and many more!
Determinants 3.1, 3.2
Homework due 10/4 Tue:
3.1: 4,11,22,33,42,
3.2: 5,16,22,28,32,33
Quiz on 9/29 Thu covers: 2.8-4.5
3.1: 1,5,9,10,31,37,40,41
3.2: 10,17,18,21,37,38,43,48
Watch this video (only the part 6:00 to 12:00) on determinantal point process. You can also type "jaguar" to Google Image and see the results.
More about determinants, 3.3
Homework due 10/4 Tue:
3.3: 1,7,19,27,30,35,37
3.3: 7,18,23,36
Watch this video for the geometric explanation of Cramer's rule (starting from 5:30. It is better than the book!)
Eigenvectors and eigenvalues. 5.1
Homework due 10/11 Tue:
5.1: 10,18,21,24,35,37
Watch the remaining part of this video for eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Review how Tony Stark saved the universe by computing the eigenvalue of a Mobius strip.
Watch this video to see how Google's PageRank works and how it is related to an eigenvalue problem.
If you want to know more, try to read this paper (and be amazed that once upon a time, Google was only worth 25 billion dollars!)
Characteristic equation 5.2
Homework due 10/11 Tue:
5.2: 9,16,21,26,29,32
Quiz on 10/6 Thu covers: 4.6, Part of 5.4, 3.1-3.3
complex eigenvalue 5.5
Homework due 10/11 Tue:
5.5: 2,7,23,27
Diagonalizability 5.3
Homework due 10/18 Tue:
5.3: 3,19,26,28,31,34
Linear transformation, similarity transformation 5.4
Homework due 10/18 Tue:
5.4: 9,15,16,20,21,27
Quiz on 10/13 Thu covers: 5.1-5.3, 5.5
Inner product 6.1
Homework due 10/18 Tue:
6.1: 14, 22, 25, 28, 32, 36, 38
Orthogonal sets 6.2
Homework due 10/25 Tue:
6.2: 12, 22, 26, 32, 37, 42
Orthogonal projections 6.3, Least-squares problems 6.5
Homework due 10/25 Tue:
6.3: 15, 17, 22, 25, 32
6.5: 2, 9, 18, 21, 27, 29
Quiz on 10/20 Thu covers: 5.4, 6.1
Gram-Schmidt process 6.4
Homework due 10/25 Tue:
6.4: 9, 17, 20, 26
Use least squares to study the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in US (ipynb notebook)
General inner product spaces 6.7
Homework due 11/1 Tue:
6.7: 3, 9, 12, 13, 17, 31
General (complex) inner product spaces 6.7
Homework due 11/1 Tue: None
No Quiz on 10/27 Thu:
Midterm #2 in class, covers: 3.1-6.5
List of topics in Midterm 2 (pdf) : this is the Study Sheet written by Prof. Nikhil Srivastava. I cannot do a better job than him in terms of summarizing and clarifying the key definitions, theorems, algorithms, and types of problems that you should know. Please use this as a reference and read this carefully.
More resources:
Prof. Alexander Paulin has a nice collection of practice exams and solutions .
From Prof. Nikhil Srivastava:
Practice Midterm 2#1 and solutions
Practice Midterm 2#2 and solutions
Practice Midterm 2#3 and solutions
Diagonalization of symmetric matrices 7.1
Homework due 11/8 Tue:
7.1: 21, 24, 30, 36, 38
Singular value decomposition 7.4
Homework due 11/8 Tue:
7.4: 11, 13, 17, 20, 25
Singular value decomposition based compression of an image (juia notebook)
Quiz on 11/3 Thu covers: 6.2-6.7
From now on all chapters numbers refer to NS&S
Homogeneous linear equations 4.2
Homework due 11/8 Tue:
4.2: 5, 16, 26, 35, 42
Homogeneous linear equations 4.3
Homework due 11/15 Tue:
4.3: 11, 28, 31, 35
Inhomogeneous linear equations 4.4, 4.5
Homework due 11/15 Tue:
4.4: 1, 4
4.5: 17, 32
Quiz on 11/10 Thu covers: Lay 7.1, 7.4; NS&S 4.2
Inhomogeneous linear equations 4.4, 4.5
Homework due 11/22 Tue: None.
Inhomogeneous linear equations 4.4, 4.5
Homework due 11/22 Tue:
4.4: 13, 24
4.5: 2, 11, 33
Quiz on 11/17 Thu covers: NS&S 4.3-4.4
Linear systems in normal form 9.4
Homogeneous linear systems 9.5, 9.6
Homework due 11/22 Tue:
9.5: 12, 18
9.6: 5, 13
Review session, Q&A (Zoom only)
Review session, Q&A (Zoom only)
Review session, Q&A (Zoom only)
Review session, Q&A (Zoom only)
Prof. Alexander Paulin has a nice collection of practice exams and solutions .
Please refer to the updated course policy at the top of the page.
There is no make-up final exam