ArCatch is a tool for static-architecture conformance checking of exception handling design. ArCatch aims at enforcing exception handling design decisions in Java projects, providing:
- A declarative domain-specific language (ArCatch.Rules) for expressing design constraints regarding exception handling; and
- A design rule checker (ArCatch.Checker) to automatically verify the exception handling conformance.
Furthermore, ArCatch provides support for several kinds of dependence relation concerning the exception handling design, such as raising, re-raising, remapping, signaling, handling, and flow.
ArCatch.config("source code path", "binary code (.jar) path");
Module Declaration
ModuleElement view = ArCatch.element() .module("View") .matching("banksys.view.\\w+") .build(); ModuleElement control = ArCatch.element() .module("Control") .matching("banksys.control.\\w+") .build(); ModuleElement model = ArCatch.element() .module("Model") .matching("banksys.model.\\w+") .build();
Exception Declaration
ExceptionElement controlEx = ArCatch.element() .exception("ControlEx") .matching("banksys.control.exception.\\w+") .build(); ExceptionElement modelEx = ArCatch.element() .exception("ModelEx") .matching("banksys.model.exception.\\w+") .build();
Design Rule Especification
DesignRule r1 = ArCatch.rule() .only(model) .canRaise(modelEx) .build(); DesignRule r2 = ArCatch.rule() .only(model) .canSignal(modelEx) .build(); DesignRule r3 = ArCatch.rule() .module(control) .mustHandle(modelEx) .build(); DesignRule r4 = ArCatch.rule() .module(control) .canOnlySignal(controlEx) .build(); DesignRule r5 = ArCatch.rule() .exception(modelEx) .cannotFlow(model, control, view) .build(); DesignRule r6 = ArCatch.rule() .only(control) .canRemap(modelEx) .to(controlEx) .build(); DesignRule r7 = ArCatch.rule() .module(view) .mustHandle(controlEx) .build(); DesignRule r8 = ArCatch.rule() .module(view) .cannotHandle(modelEx) .build();
Checking Rules
ArCatch.checker().addRule(r1); ... ArCatch.checker().addRule(r8); ArCatch.checker().checkAll();
boolean resultR1 = ArCatch.checker().check(r1); ... boolean resultR7 = ArCatch.checker().check(r8);
ArCatch.Checker provides a report containing useful information on which design rules have been violated and where such violations take place in the software source code. If ArCatch.checker().checkAll()
is used a text-based conformance chacking report is generated at ./report
folder. However, if ArCatch.checker().check(rule)
is employed, you can access information abou rule violation performing rule.getReport()
. In the following we show an example of ArCatch.Checker conformance checking report:
ArCatch.Checker Exception Handling Conformance Checking Report
Label: (V) = Rule Pass | (X) = Rule Fail
(X) R2: only (Model) can signal (ModelEx) 8 ms
-Model module implementation classes:
-ModelEx exception implementation classes:
-Rule Violations
-Method [banksys.control.BankController.doDebit(java.lang.String, double)] is signaling the exception [lib.exceptions.InsufficientFundsException]
-Method [banksys.control.BankController.doDebit(java.lang.String, double)] is signaling the exception [lib.exceptions.NegativeAmountException]
In ArCatch.Checker, all source code information relevant for the checking process is extracted using: