This curriculum is meant to equip you with the resources you need to get yourself up to speed with JavaScript as a language, and use it to create full and complete solutions. Motivating yourself to learn something new can be a challenge, thusly this curriculum is focused on the learning-by-doing methodology.
This curriculum heavily realies on for the best self-learning experience.
Have lingering questions about why you should be doing JavaScipt? Check out this presentation on Why JavaScript?
It is highly recommended that your fork
this repository, keep track of your learning progress by adding x
es inside the [ ]
checkboxes and committing them to your own repository.
- To collaborate with others and track your own progress, you'll need to create a GitHub account. Create an account
- Install a Git client,
- Simple:
- Advanced:
- GitExtensions (Windows)
- Tower (Mac)
- Github Desktop (Mac/Windows) In pre-release
- Now you can
this repo, by using thefork
button on the top right hand of the GitHub page and start tracking your progress.
- Install Node.js, so you can run the self-learning tools:
- Visit and familiarize yourself with npm
- Get a good text editor/IDE.
- Text Editor
- IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
The Internet is a vast cache of information and if you know how to navigatge it well, you can become a very effective learner.
- Always and always Google what you're looking for first. If what you're looking for isn't in the first page of results, then try again with different query.
- Prefer StackOverflow links or got there directly.
- If the above strategies fail, then feel free the create a GitHub issue on this repo.
- Always provide full and complete information when asking for help.
- Specific questions are far more likely to get answered, than general/generic questions.
- Open up command line/console. Type in
, do you see>
? If yes great, hitCtrl+C
to terminate the currently runningnode
process. If no, then seeHow to ask for help
. - Type in
, do you seeUsage: npm <command>
? - You're ready to start learning, using the self guided workshoppers. Good luck!
- Learn how to use Git and GitHub basics.
- Run
npm install -g git-it
- Then
- Additional help
- Run
- Learn JavaScript basics. No previous coding experience required.
- Run
npm install -g javascripting
- Then
- Additional info
- Run
- Learn the details of Scope, Scope Chains, Closures, and Garbage Collection.
- Run
npm install -g scope-chains-closures
- Run
- Learn fundamental functional programming features of JavaScript in vanilla ES5.
npm install -g functional-javascript-workshop
- Learn to use promises in JavaScript to handle async operations.
npm install -g promise-it-wont-hurt
- Additional information: Q.js
- Learn Lo-Dash (fork of underscore) to handle your arrays and objects simple!
npm install -g lololodash
- Additional information: Underscore.js has great documentation. Also check out lodash.
- Learn to test your code
npm install -g test-anything
- Learn the basics of node: asynchronous i/o, http.
npm install -g learnyounode
- Advanced Node Setup
- For Windows:
- For Mac/Linux:
- Manage multiple Node versions with n
npm install -g n
- Manage multiple Node versions with n
- Learn a web framework
- Hapi.JS
npm install -g makemehapi - Express
npm install -g expressworks
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Angular.js
- Learn how to create SPAs by importing code from multiple JavaScript files
- Angular dependency injection
- Require.js
- Use npm modules and node-style require() in the browser with browserify.
npm install -g browserify-adventure
- Learn to use leveldb, a simple key/value store with a vibrant package.
npm install -g levelmeup
- Check out The JavaScript Promise to understand benefits of working with full stack JavaScript and get access to batteries included open source projects to get your app idea out and running in the cloud.
- Learn how to use some features from ES6, the next version of JavaScript.
npm install -g count-to-6
- Understanding JavaScript Prototypes
npm install -g planetproto
- ES6 using Babel
npm install tower-of-babel -g
- An Intro to JavaScript ES6 Generators.
npm install -g learn-generators
- ES6 Iterators
npm install -g esnext-generation
- Learn about Streams
npm install -g stream-adventure
- Learn to use the async package.
npm install -g async-you
- Gulp.js
- Let's learn React.js and server side rendering!
npm install -g learnyoureact
- Sass
- Find your way through the web performance optimization maze!
npm install -g perfschool
- Learn about CouchDB - the database that completely embraces the web
npm install -g learnyoucouchdb
- Getting started with MongoDB and Node.js
Getting started with MongoDB and Node.js