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[AMD] [ROCm] Pick num_warps based on platform (#326)
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## Summary
<!--- This is a required section; please describe the main purpose of
this proposed code change. --->

This is a PR to enable the kernel to run on AMD GPUs through the initial
changes to the `num_warps`.
This change is proposed by @Edenzzzz and @DocShotgun in this issue

## Details
This is an optional section; is there anything specific that reviewers
should be aware of?
I have updated the `transformers` version from `4.44.0` to `4.46.0`
requirement and all unit tests passed on A100 and MI300X.

## Testing Done
<!--- This is a required section; please describe how this change was
tested. --->

Replace BLANK with your device type. For example, A100-80G-PCIe

Complete the following tasks before sending your PR, and replace `[ ]`
`[x]` to indicate you have done them. 

- Hardware Type: AMD Instinct MI300X
- [x] run `make test` to ensure correctness
- There are some test failed due to numerical precision issue. Passed by
relaxing the condition by 1 order of magnitude (following the advice in
the Liger-Kernel technical report[2410.10989](
**Footnote 12:** _Note that in practice, the tolerance may need further
relaxation in some cases by one or two orders of magnitude, even for
exact kernels. We use convergence tests to ensure exactness in cases
where the tolerance for correctness needs to be loose._ )
- The test that the tolerance are relaxed involves `kl_div` and `jsd` in
`float32` tests
    - The relax conditions are described by the following code snippet
      _DTYPE_PARAMS = (
          "dtype, atol, rtol",
not supports_bfloat16(), reason="bfloat16 not supported on this GPU"
              (torch.float32, 1e-8 if not is_hip() else 1e-7, 1e-6),
              (torch.float16, 1e-3, 1e-3),

- To pass the test, the triton must not be installed from source, it
must be installed through pypi `pip install triton==3.0.0`. This issue
will be tracked with an issue at triton
triton-lang/triton#5013 .
- ~~Something is weird as well, if I just run the failed test
the test passed. By running `pytest
However it will failed if there are other tests running before this
- [x] run `make checkstyle` to ensure code style
- [x] run `make test-convergence` to ensure convergence
<summary> <s>Failure Test Logs (Click to expand/collapse) </s>
        ============================================================= FAILURES =============================================================
    ________________________ test_correctness_with_ignore_index[10.0-dtype5-1e-08-1e-06-sum-2-4096-32000--100] _________________________
    B = 2, T = 4096, V = 32000, ignore_index = -100, reduction = 'sum', scalar = 10.0, dtype = torch.float32, atol = 1e-08, rtol = 1e-06
            "B, T, V, ignore_index",
                (2, 4096, 32000, -100),  # llama2, mistral
                (2, 4096, 32000, 2),  # llama2, mistral
                (1, 4096, 128256, -300),  # llama3
                # weird shapes
                (3, 423, 32000, -123),
        @pytest.mark.parametrize("reduction", ["sum", "mean"])
            "scalar, dtype, atol, rtol",
                        not supports_bfloat16(), reason="bfloat16 not supported on this GPU"
                        not supports_bfloat16(), reason="bfloat16 not supported on this GPU"
                        not supports_bfloat16(), reason="bfloat16 not supported on this GPU"
                (0.1, torch.float32, 1e-8, 1e-6),
                (1.0, torch.float32, 1e-8, 1e-6),
                (10.0, torch.float32, 1e-8, 1e-6),
            torch.cuda.get_device_properties(0).total_memory < 16 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000,
            reason="Needs 16GB+ GPU memory.",
        def test_correctness_with_ignore_index(
            B, T, V, ignore_index, reduction, scalar, dtype, atol, rtol
            liger_ce = LigerCrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=ignore_index, reduction=reduction)
    >       _test_correctness_with_ignore_index_once(
                liger_ce, B, T, V, ignore_index, reduction, scalar, dtype, atol, rtol
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    target_ce = LigerCrossEntropyLoss(), B = 2, T = 4096, V = 32000, ignore_index = -100, reduction = 'sum', scalar = 10.0
    dtype = torch.float32, atol = 1e-08, rtol = 1e-06
        def _test_correctness_with_ignore_index_once(
            target_ce, B, T, V, ignore_index, reduction, scalar, dtype, atol, rtol
            torch_ce = CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=ignore_index, reduction=reduction)
            _tensor = torch.randn(B * T, V, device="cuda", dtype=dtype) * scalar
            _input = _tensor.detach().clone().requires_grad_(True)
            _input2 = _tensor.detach().clone().requires_grad_(True)
            target = torch.randint(0, V, (B * T,), device="cuda", dtype=torch.long)
            # Assign some random number of elements as ignore_index
            num_elements_to_assign = torch.randint(
                1, B * T // 2, (1,)
            ).item()  # Random number of elements to set to ignore_index
            indices_to_assign = torch.randperm(B * T)[
            ]  # Randomly select indices
            target[indices_to_assign] = ignore_index
            output = torch_ce(_input, target)
            output2 = target_ce(_input2, target)
            assert torch.allclose(output, output2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
    >       assert torch.allclose(_input.grad, _input2.grad, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
    E       AssertionError: assert False
    E        +  where False = <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0>(tensor([[4.0225e-16, 3.9353e-17, 6.6616e-19,  ..., 1.3759e-13, 7.6381e-10,\n         4.4185e-23],\n        [2.9569e-12, 3.8580e-19, 5.3756e-16,  ..., 6.0166e-23, 1.4681e-17,\n         5.1994e-20],\n        [4.7900e-26, 1.0599e-04, 7.0237e-19,  ..., 1.1461e-20, 1.0415e-10,\n         1.0237e-19],\n        ...,\n        [6.9540e-17, 3.4471e-22, 2.7309e-14,  ..., 2.5999e-26, 2.5635e-19,\n         7.0793e-16],\n        [6.3721e-23, 1.2054e-13, 1.8638e-20,  ..., 1.2807e-23, 5.5705e-16,\n         2.3085e-13],\n        [1.9623e-20, 2.4720e-11, 1.8808e-15,  ..., 3.5100e-20, 3.6195e-15,\n         1.5356e-23]], device='cuda:0'), tensor([[4.0225e-16, 3.9353e-17, 6.6616e-19,  ..., 1.3759e-13, 7.6381e-10,\n         4.4185e-23],\n        [2.9569e-12, 3.8580e-19, 5.3756e-16,  ..., 6.0166e-23, 1.4681e-17,\n         5.1994e-20],\n        [4.7900e-26, 1.0599e-04, 7.0237e-19,  ..., 1.1461e-20, 1.0415e-10,\n         1.0237e-19],\n        ...,\n        [6.9540e-17, 3.4471e-22, 2.7309e-14,  ..., 2.5999e-26, 2.5635e-19,\n         7.0793e-16],\n        [6.3722e-23, 1.2054e-13, 1.8638e-20,  ..., 1.2807e-23, 5.5705e-16,\n         2.3085e-13],\n        [1.9623e-20, 2.4720e-11, 1.8808e-15,  ..., 3.5100e-20, 3.6195e-15,\n         1.5356e-23]], device='cuda:0'), atol=1e-08, rtol=1e-06)
    E        +    where <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0> = torch.allclose
    E        +    and   tensor([[4.0225e-16, 3.9353e-17, 6.6616e-19,  ..., 1.3759e-13, 7.6381e-10,\n         4.4185e-23],\n        [2.9569e-12, 3.8580e-19, 5.3756e-16,  ..., 6.0166e-23, 1.4681e-17,\n         5.1994e-20],\n        [4.7900e-26, 1.0599e-04, 7.0237e-19,  ..., 1.1461e-20, 1.0415e-10,\n         1.0237e-19],\n        ...,\n        [6.9540e-17, 3.4471e-22, 2.7309e-14,  ..., 2.5999e-26, 2.5635e-19,\n         7.0793e-16],\n        [6.3721e-23, 1.2054e-13, 1.8638e-20,  ..., 1.2807e-23, 5.5705e-16,\n         2.3085e-13],\n        [1.9623e-20, 2.4720e-11, 1.8808e-15,  ..., 3.5100e-20, 3.6195e-15,\n         1.5356e-23]], device='cuda:0') = tensor([[  6.0503,   3.7258,  -0.3530,  ...,  11.8853,  20.5071,  -9.9739],\n        [ 15.2597,  -0.5924,   6.6471,  ...,  -9.3584,   3.0466,  -2.5966],\n        [-17.9122,  31.2363,  -1.4114,  ...,  -5.5268,  17.4033,  -3.3372],\n        ...,\n        [  4.3242,  -7.8904,  10.2973,  ..., -17.3829,  -1.2789,   6.6447],\n        [-10.9055,  10.4553,  -5.2270,  ..., -12.5100,   5.0782,  11.1050],\n        [ -5.8922,  15.0620,   5.5783,  ...,  -5.3107,   6.2329, -13.0452]],\n       device='cuda:0', requires_grad=True).grad
    E        +    and   tensor([[4.0225e-16, 3.9353e-17, 6.6616e-19,  ..., 1.3759e-13, 7.6381e-10,\n         4.4185e-23],\n        [2.9569e-12, 3.8580e-19, 5.3756e-16,  ..., 6.0166e-23, 1.4681e-17,\n         5.1994e-20],\n        [4.7900e-26, 1.0599e-04, 7.0237e-19,  ..., 1.1461e-20, 1.0415e-10,\n         1.0237e-19],\n        ...,\n        [6.9540e-17, 3.4471e-22, 2.7309e-14,  ..., 2.5999e-26, 2.5635e-19,\n         7.0793e-16],\n        [6.3722e-23, 1.2054e-13, 1.8638e-20,  ..., 1.2807e-23, 5.5705e-16,\n         2.3085e-13],\n        [1.9623e-20, 2.4720e-11, 1.8808e-15,  ..., 3.5100e-20, 3.6195e-15,\n         1.5356e-23]], device='cuda:0') = tensor([[4.0225e-16, 3.9353e-17, 6.6616e-19,  ..., 1.3759e-13, 7.6381e-10,\n         4.4185e-23],\n        [2.9569e-12, 3.8580e-19, 5.3756e-16,  ..., 6.0166e-23, 1.4681e-17,\n         5.1994e-20],\n        [4.7900e-26, 1.0599e-04, 7.0237e-19,  ..., 1.1461e-20, 1.0415e-10,\n         1.0237e-19],\n        ...,\n        [6.9540e-17, 3.4471e-22, 2.7309e-14,  ..., 2.5999e-26, 2.5635e-19,\n         7.0793e-16],\n        [6.3722e-23, 1.2054e-13, 1.8638e-20,  ..., 1.2807e-23, 5.5705e-16,\n         2.3085e-13],\n        [1.9623e-20, 2.4720e-11, 1.8808e-15,  ..., 3.5100e-20, 3.6195e-15,\n         1.5356e-23]], device='cuda:0', requires_grad=True).grad
    test/transformers/ AssertionError
    _________________________________ test_correctness_with_beta[0.1-dtype1-1e-08-1e-06-1-4096-128256] _________________________________
    B = 1, T = 4096, V = 128256, beta = 0.1, dtype = torch.float32, atol = 1e-08, rtol = 1e-06
        @pytest.mark.parametrize("beta", [0.1, 0.5, 0.9])
        def test_correctness_with_beta(B, T, V, beta, dtype, atol, rtol):
            liger_jsd = LigerJSD(beta=beta)
    >       _test_correctness_with_beta_once(liger_jsd, beta, B, T, V, dtype, atol, rtol)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    test/transformers/ in _test_correctness_with_beta_once
        assert_verbose_allclose(output, output2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    tensor1 = tensor(0.0805, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<SumBackward0>)
    tensor2 = tensor(0.0805, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<LigerJSDFunctionBackward>), rtol = 1e-06, atol = 1e-08, max_print = 5
        def assert_verbose_allclose(tensor1, tensor2, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, max_print=5):
            Assert that two tensors are element-wise equal within a tolerance, providing detailed information about mismatches.
            tensor1 (torch.Tensor): First tensor to compare.
            tensor2 (torch.Tensor): Second tensor to compare.
            rtol (float): Relative tolerance.
            atol (float): Absolute tolerance.
            max_print (int): Maximum number of mismatched elements to print.
            AssertionError: If the tensors are not all close within the given tolerance.
            # Check if the shapes of the tensors match
            if tensor1.shape != tensor2.shape:
                raise AssertionError("Input tensors must have the same shape.")
            # Calculate the difference between the tensors
            diff = torch.abs(tensor1 - tensor2)
            # Determine the tolerance
            tolerance = atol + rtol * torch.abs(tensor2)
            # Find tolerance mismatched elements
            tol_mismatched = diff > tolerance
            # Find nan mismatched elements
            nan_mismatched = torch.logical_xor(torch.isnan(tensor1), torch.isnan(tensor2))
            # Find +inf mismatched elements
            posinf_mismatched = torch.logical_xor(
                torch.isposinf(tensor1), torch.isposinf(tensor2)
            # Find -inf mismatched elements
            neginf_mismatched = torch.logical_xor(
                torch.isneginf(tensor1), torch.isneginf(tensor2)
            # Find all mismatched elements
            mismatched = torch.logical_or(
                torch.logical_or(tol_mismatched, nan_mismatched),
                torch.logical_or(posinf_mismatched, neginf_mismatched),
            mismatched_indices = torch.nonzero(mismatched)
            # Count the number of mismatched elements
            num_mismatched = mismatched.sum().item()
            # Check if all elements are close
            all_close = num_mismatched == 0
            # Raise AssertionError with detailed information if there are mismatches
            if not all_close and num_mismatched >= 1:
                mismatch_details = [f"Number of mismatched elements: {num_mismatched}"]
                print_count = min(max_print, num_mismatched)
                for index in mismatched_indices[:print_count]:
                    i = tuple(index.tolist())
                        f"Mismatch at index {i}: tensor1[{i}] = {tensor1[i]}, tensor2[{i}] = {tensor2[i]}"
                if num_mismatched > max_print:
                        f"... and {num_mismatched - max_print} more mismatched elements."
    >           raise AssertionError("\n".join(mismatch_details))
    E           AssertionError: Number of mismatched elements: 1
    E           Mismatch at index (): tensor1[()] = 0.08054989576339722, tensor2[()] = 0.08054977655410767
    test/ AssertionError
    _________________________________ test_correctness_with_beta[0.9-dtype1-1e-08-1e-06-1-4096-128256] _________________________________
    B = 1, T = 4096, V = 128256, beta = 0.9, dtype = torch.float32, atol = 1e-08, rtol = 1e-06
        @pytest.mark.parametrize("beta", [0.1, 0.5, 0.9])
        def test_correctness_with_beta(B, T, V, beta, dtype, atol, rtol):
            liger_jsd = LigerJSD(beta=beta)
    >       _test_correctness_with_beta_once(liger_jsd, beta, B, T, V, dtype, atol, rtol)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    test/transformers/ in _test_correctness_with_beta_once
        assert_verbose_allclose(output, output2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    tensor1 = tensor(0.0805, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<SumBackward0>)
    tensor2 = tensor(0.0805, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<LigerJSDFunctionBackward>), rtol = 1e-06, atol = 1e-08, max_print = 5
        def assert_verbose_allclose(tensor1, tensor2, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, max_print=5):
            Assert that two tensors are element-wise equal within a tolerance, providing detailed information about mismatches.
            tensor1 (torch.Tensor): First tensor to compare.
            tensor2 (torch.Tensor): Second tensor to compare.
            rtol (float): Relative tolerance.
            atol (float): Absolute tolerance.
            max_print (int): Maximum number of mismatched elements to print.
            AssertionError: If the tensors are not all close within the given tolerance.
            # Check if the shapes of the tensors match
            if tensor1.shape != tensor2.shape:
                raise AssertionError("Input tensors must have the same shape.")
            # Calculate the difference between the tensors
            diff = torch.abs(tensor1 - tensor2)
            # Determine the tolerance
            tolerance = atol + rtol * torch.abs(tensor2)
            # Find tolerance mismatched elements
            tol_mismatched = diff > tolerance
            # Find nan mismatched elements
            nan_mismatched = torch.logical_xor(torch.isnan(tensor1), torch.isnan(tensor2))
            # Find +inf mismatched elements
            posinf_mismatched = torch.logical_xor(
                torch.isposinf(tensor1), torch.isposinf(tensor2)
            # Find -inf mismatched elements
            neginf_mismatched = torch.logical_xor(
                torch.isneginf(tensor1), torch.isneginf(tensor2)
            # Find all mismatched elements
            mismatched = torch.logical_or(
                torch.logical_or(tol_mismatched, nan_mismatched),
                torch.logical_or(posinf_mismatched, neginf_mismatched),
            mismatched_indices = torch.nonzero(mismatched)
            # Count the number of mismatched elements
            num_mismatched = mismatched.sum().item()
            # Check if all elements are close
            all_close = num_mismatched == 0
            # Raise AssertionError with detailed information if there are mismatches
            if not all_close and num_mismatched >= 1:
                mismatch_details = [f"Number of mismatched elements: {num_mismatched}"]
                print_count = min(max_print, num_mismatched)
                for index in mismatched_indices[:print_count]:
                    i = tuple(index.tolist())
                        f"Mismatch at index {i}: tensor1[{i}] = {tensor1[i]}, tensor2[{i}] = {tensor2[i]}"
                if num_mismatched > max_print:
                        f"... and {num_mismatched - max_print} more mismatched elements."
    >           raise AssertionError("\n".join(mismatch_details))
    E           AssertionError: Number of mismatched elements: 1
    E           Mismatch at index (): tensor1[()] = 0.08054172992706299, tensor2[()] = 0.08054161071777344
    test/ AssertionError
    ___________________________________ test_correctness[dtype1-1e-08-1e-06-none-False-32-4096-1024] ___________________________________
    B = 32, T = 4096, V = 1024, log_target = False, reduction = 'none', dtype = torch.float32, atol = 1e-08, rtol = 1e-06
        @pytest.mark.parametrize("log_target", [True, False])
        @pytest.mark.parametrize("reduction", ["batchmean", "sum", "mean", "none"])
        def test_correctness(B, T, V, log_target, reduction, dtype, atol, rtol):
            liger_kldiv = LigerKLDIVLoss(reduction=reduction, log_target=log_target)
    >       _test_correctness_once(
                liger_kldiv, B, T, V, dtype, atol, rtol, reduction, log_target
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    target_kldiv = LigerKLDIVLoss(), B = 32, T = 4096, V = 1024, dtype = torch.float32, atol = 1e-08, rtol = 1e-06, reduction = 'none'
    log_target = False, is_last_layer = True, device = 'cuda'
        def _test_correctness_once(
            torch_kldiv = KLDivLoss(reduction=reduction, log_target=log_target)
            input = torch.randn(
                B * T, V, device=device, dtype=dtype, requires_grad=True
            x1 = input.detach().clone().requires_grad_(True)
            x2 = input.detach().clone().requires_grad_(True)
            with torch.no_grad():
                target = torch.randn(B * T, V, device=device).softmax(dim=-1)
            output = torch_kldiv(x1, target)
            output2 = target_kldiv(x2, target)
    >       assert torch.allclose(output, output2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
    E       AssertionError: assert False
    E        +  where False = <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0>(tensor([[ 3.8871e-04,  1.5342e-03,  9.7731e-04,  ...,  1.5857e-04,\n          2.0651e-05, -2.0225e-04],\n        [ 3.0436e-04,  1.4040e-03, -1.4338e-04,  ..., -9.6487e-04,\n          3.6957e-04, -1.7970e-04],\n        [ 1.3870e-02,  1.8989e-03, -2.3409e-04,  ..., -9.2741e-05,\n         -2.1325e-03, -3.6861e-04],\n        ...,\n        [ 1.6965e-04,  7.5081e-04,  1.7243e-03,  ..., -3.3345e-04,\n          2.9291e-04,  4.6570e-03],\n        [-8.5313e-04,  5.1247e-04,  2.9434e-03,  ..., -1.6669e-04,\n          6.3304e-04,  8.2082e-04],\n        [-1.0297e-03, -5.9040e-05, -4.5201e-04,  ...,  1.1601e-03,\n          1.0437e-03,  2.4179e-04]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<SubBackward0>), tensor([[ 3.8871e-04,  1.5342e-03,  9.7731e-04,  ...,  1.5857e-04,\n          2.0651e-05, -2.0225e-04],\n        [ 3.0436e-04,  1.4040e-03, -1.4338e-04,  ..., -9.6487e-04,\n          3.6957e-04, -1.7970e-04],\n        [ 1.3870e-02,  1.8989e-03, -2.3409e-04,  ..., -9.2741e-05,\n         -2.1325e-03, -3.6861e-04],\n        ...,\n        [ 1.6965e-04,  7.5081e-04,  1.7243e-03,  ..., -3.3345e-04,\n          2.9291e-04,  4.6570e-03],\n        [-8.5313e-04,  5.1247e-04,  2.9434e-03,  ..., -1.6669e-04,\n          6.3304e-04,  8.2082e-04],\n        [-1.0297e-03, -5.9040e-05, -4.5201e-04,  ...,  1.1601e-03,\n          1.0437e-03,  2.4179e-04]], device='cuda:0',\n       grad_fn=<LigerKLDivLossFunctionBackward>), atol=1e-08, rtol=1e-06)
    E        +    where <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0> = torch.allclose
    test/transformers/ AssertionError
    ______________________________ test_correctness_not_last[dtype1-1e-08-1e-06-none-False-32-4096-1024] _______________________________
    B = 32, T = 4096, V = 1024, log_target = False, reduction = 'none', dtype = torch.float32, atol = 1e-08, rtol = 1e-06
        @pytest.mark.parametrize("log_target", [True, False])
        @pytest.mark.parametrize("reduction", ["batchmean", "sum", "mean", "none"])
        def test_correctness_not_last(B, T, V, log_target, reduction, dtype, atol, rtol):
            liger_kldiv = LigerKLDIVLoss(reduction=reduction, log_target=log_target)
    >       _test_correctness_once(
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    target_kldiv = LigerKLDIVLoss(), B = 32, T = 4096, V = 1024, dtype = torch.float32, atol = 1e-08, rtol = 1e-06, reduction = 'none'
    log_target = False, is_last_layer = False, device = 'cuda'
        def _test_correctness_once(
            torch_kldiv = KLDivLoss(reduction=reduction, log_target=log_target)
            input = torch.randn(
                B * T, V, device=device, dtype=dtype, requires_grad=True
            x1 = input.detach().clone().requires_grad_(True)
            x2 = input.detach().clone().requires_grad_(True)
            with torch.no_grad():
                target = torch.randn(B * T, V, device=device).softmax(dim=-1)
            output = torch_kldiv(x1, target)
            output2 = target_kldiv(x2, target)
    >       assert torch.allclose(output, output2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
    E       AssertionError: assert False
    E        +  where False = <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0>(tensor([[ 3.8871e-04,  1.5342e-03,  9.7731e-04,  ...,  1.5857e-04,\n          2.0651e-05, -2.0225e-04],\n        [ 3.0436e-04,  1.4040e-03, -1.4338e-04,  ..., -9.6487e-04,\n          3.6957e-04, -1.7970e-04],\n        [ 1.3870e-02,  1.8989e-03, -2.3409e-04,  ..., -9.2741e-05,\n         -2.1325e-03, -3.6861e-04],\n        ...,\n        [ 1.6965e-04,  7.5081e-04,  1.7243e-03,  ..., -3.3345e-04,\n          2.9291e-04,  4.6570e-03],\n        [-8.5313e-04,  5.1247e-04,  2.9434e-03,  ..., -1.6669e-04,\n          6.3304e-04,  8.2082e-04],\n        [-1.0297e-03, -5.9040e-05, -4.5201e-04,  ...,  1.1601e-03,\n          1.0437e-03,  2.4179e-04]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<SubBackward0>), tensor([[ 3.8871e-04,  1.5342e-03,  9.7731e-04,  ...,  1.5857e-04,\n          2.0651e-05, -2.0225e-04],\n        [ 3.0436e-04,  1.4040e-03, -1.4338e-04,  ..., -9.6487e-04,\n          3.6957e-04, -1.7970e-04],\n        [ 1.3870e-02,  1.8989e-03, -2.3409e-04,  ..., -9.2741e-05,\n         -2.1325e-03, -3.6861e-04],\n        ...,\n        [ 1.6965e-04,  7.5081e-04,  1.7243e-03,  ..., -3.3345e-04,\n          2.9291e-04,  4.6570e-03],\n        [-8.5313e-04,  5.1247e-04,  2.9434e-03,  ..., -1.6669e-04,\n          6.3304e-04,  8.2082e-04],\n        [-1.0297e-03, -5.9040e-05, -4.5201e-04,  ...,  1.1601e-03,\n          1.0437e-03,  2.4179e-04]], device='cuda:0',\n       grad_fn=<LigerKLDivLossFunctionBackward>), atol=1e-08, rtol=1e-06)
    E        +    where <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0> = torch.allclose
    test/transformers/ AssertionError
    _________________________________________________ test_import_custom_cache_manager _________________________________________________
        def test_import_custom_cache_manager():
            from triton.runtime.cache import get_cache_manager
            from liger_kernel.triton import apply_liger_triton_cache_manager
    >       cache_manager = get_cache_manager(key="test_hash")
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    /opt/conda/envs/py_3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/triton/runtime/ in get_cache_manager
        return __cache_cls(_base64(key))
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    key = 'test_hash'
        def _base64(key):
            # Assume key is a hex string.
    >       return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(bytes.fromhex(key)).decode("utf-8").rstrip("=")
    E       ValueError: non-hexadecimal number found in fromhex() arg at position 0
    /opt/conda/envs/py_3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/triton/runtime/ ValueError
    ===================================================== short test summary info ======================================================
    FAILED test/transformers/[10.0-dtype5-1e-08-1e-06-sum-2-4096-32000--100] - AssertionError: assert False
     +  where False = <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0>(tensor([[4.0225e-16, 3.9353e-17, 6.6616e-19,  ..., 1.3759e-13, 7.6381e-10,\n         4.4185e-23],\n        [2.9569e-12, 3.8580e-19, 5.3756e-16,  ..., 6.0166e-23, 1.4681e-17,\n         5.1994e-20],\n        [4.7900e-26, 1.0599e-04, 7.0237e-19,  ..., 1.1461e-20, 1.0415e-10,\n         1.0237e-19],\n        ...,\n        [6.9540e-17, 3.4471e-22, 2.7309e-14,  ..., 2.5999e-26, 2.5635e-19,\n         7.0793e-16],\n        [6.3721e-23, 1.2054e-13, 1.8638e-20,  ..., 1.2807e-23, 5.5705e-16,\n         2.3085e-13],\n        [1.9623e-20, 2.4720e-11, 1.8808e-15,  ..., 3.5100e-20, 3.6195e-15,\n         1.5356e-23]], device='cuda:0'), tensor([[4.0225e-16, 3.9353e-17, 6.6616e-19,  ..., 1.3759e-13, 7.6381e-10,\n         4.4185e-23],\n        [2.9569e-12, 3.8580e-19, 5.3756e-16,  ..., 6.0166e-23, 1.4681e-17,\n         5.1994e-20],\n        [4.7900e-26, 1.0599e-04, 7.0237e-19,  ..., 1.1461e-20, 1.0415e-10,\n         1.0237e-19],\n        ...,\n        [6.9540e-17, 3.4471e-22, 2.7309e-14,  ..., 2.5999e-26, 2.5635e-19,\n         7.0793e-16],\n        [6.3722e-23, 1.2054e-13, 1.8638e-20,  ..., 1.2807e-23, 5.5705e-16,\n         2.3085e-13],\n        [1.9623e-20, 2.4720e-11, 1.8808e-15,  ..., 3.5100e-20, 3.6195e-15,\n         1.5356e-23]], device='cuda:0'), atol=1e-08, rtol=1e-06)
     +    where <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0> = torch.allclose
     +    and   tensor([[4.0225e-16, 3.9353e-17, 6.6616e-19,  ..., 1.3759e-13, 7.6381e-10,\n         4.4185e-23],\n        [2.9569e-12, 3.8580e-19, 5.3756e-16,  ..., 6.0166e-23, 1.4681e-17,\n         5.1994e-20],\n        [4.7900e-26, 1.0599e-04, 7.0237e-19,  ..., 1.1461e-20, 1.0415e-10,\n         1.0237e-19],\n        ...,\n        [6.9540e-17, 3.4471e-22, 2.7309e-14,  ..., 2.5999e-26, 2.5635e-19,\n         7.0793e-16],\n        [6.3721e-23, 1.2054e-13, 1.8638e-20,  ..., 1.2807e-23, 5.5705e-16,\n         2.3085e-13],\n        [1.9623e-20, 2.4720e-11, 1.8808e-15,  ..., 3.5100e-20, 3.6195e-15,\n         1.5356e-23]], device='cuda:0') = tensor([[  6.0503,   3.7258,  -0.3530,  ...,  11.8853,  20.5071,  -9.9739],\n        [ 15.2597,  -0.5924,   6.6471,  ...,  -9.3584,   3.0466,  -2.5966],\n        [-17.9122,  31.2363,  -1.4114,  ...,  -5.5268,  17.4033,  -3.3372],\n        ...,\n        [  4.3242,  -7.8904,  10.2973,  ..., -17.3829,  -1.2789,   6.6447],\n        [-10.9055,  10.4553,  -5.2270,  ..., -12.5100,   5.0782,  11.1050],\n        [ -5.8922,  15.0620,   5.5783,  ...,  -5.3107,   6.2329, -13.0452]],\n       device='cuda:0', requires_grad=True).grad
     +    and   tensor([[4.0225e-16, 3.9353e-17, 6.6616e-19,  ..., 1.3759e-13, 7.6381e-10,\n         4.4185e-23],\n        [2.9569e-12, 3.8580e-19, 5.3756e-16,  ..., 6.0166e-23, 1.4681e-17,\n         5.1994e-20],\n        [4.7900e-26, 1.0599e-04, 7.0237e-19,  ..., 1.1461e-20, 1.0415e-10,\n         1.0237e-19],\n        ...,\n        [6.9540e-17, 3.4471e-22, 2.7309e-14,  ..., 2.5999e-26, 2.5635e-19,\n         7.0793e-16],\n        [6.3722e-23, 1.2054e-13, 1.8638e-20,  ..., 1.2807e-23, 5.5705e-16,\n         2.3085e-13],\n        [1.9623e-20, 2.4720e-11, 1.8808e-15,  ..., 3.5100e-20, 3.6195e-15,\n         1.5356e-23]], device='cuda:0') = tensor([[4.0225e-16, 3.9353e-17, 6.6616e-19,  ..., 1.3759e-13, 7.6381e-10,\n         4.4185e-23],\n        [2.9569e-12, 3.8580e-19, 5.3756e-16,  ..., 6.0166e-23, 1.4681e-17,\n         5.1994e-20],\n        [4.7900e-26, 1.0599e-04, 7.0237e-19,  ..., 1.1461e-20, 1.0415e-10,\n         1.0237e-19],\n        ...,\n        [6.9540e-17, 3.4471e-22, 2.7309e-14,  ..., 2.5999e-26, 2.5635e-19,\n         7.0793e-16],\n        [6.3722e-23, 1.2054e-13, 1.8638e-20,  ..., 1.2807e-23, 5.5705e-16,\n         2.3085e-13],\n        [1.9623e-20, 2.4720e-11, 1.8808e-15,  ..., 3.5100e-20, 3.6195e-15,\n         1.5356e-23]], device='cuda:0', requires_grad=True).grad
    FAILED test/transformers/[0.1-dtype1-1e-08-1e-06-1-4096-128256] - AssertionError: Number of mismatched elements: 1
    Mismatch at index (): tensor1[()] = 0.08054989576339722, tensor2[()] = 0.08054977655410767
    FAILED test/transformers/[0.9-dtype1-1e-08-1e-06-1-4096-128256] - AssertionError: Number of mismatched elements: 1
    Mismatch at index (): tensor1[()] = 0.08054172992706299, tensor2[()] = 0.08054161071777344
    FAILED test/transformers/[dtype1-1e-08-1e-06-none-False-32-4096-1024] - AssertionError: assert False
     +  where False = <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0>(tensor([[ 3.8871e-04,  1.5342e-03,  9.7731e-04,  ...,  1.5857e-04,\n          2.0651e-05, -2.0225e-04],\n        [ 3.0436e-04,  1.4040e-03, -1.4338e-04,  ..., -9.6487e-04,\n          3.6957e-04, -1.7970e-04],\n        [ 1.3870e-02,  1.8989e-03, -2.3409e-04,  ..., -9.2741e-05,\n         -2.1325e-03, -3.6861e-04],\n        ...,\n        [ 1.6965e-04,  7.5081e-04,  1.7243e-03,  ..., -3.3345e-04,\n          2.9291e-04,  4.6570e-03],\n        [-8.5313e-04,  5.1247e-04,  2.9434e-03,  ..., -1.6669e-04,\n          6.3304e-04,  8.2082e-04],\n        [-1.0297e-03, -5.9040e-05, -4.5201e-04,  ...,  1.1601e-03,\n          1.0437e-03,  2.4179e-04]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<SubBackward0>), tensor([[ 3.8871e-04,  1.5342e-03,  9.7731e-04,  ...,  1.5857e-04,\n          2.0651e-05, -2.0225e-04],\n        [ 3.0436e-04,  1.4040e-03, -1.4338e-04,  ..., -9.6487e-04,\n          3.6957e-04, -1.7970e-04],\n        [ 1.3870e-02,  1.8989e-03, -2.3409e-04,  ..., -9.2741e-05,\n         -2.1325e-03, -3.6861e-04],\n        ...,\n        [ 1.6965e-04,  7.5081e-04,  1.7243e-03,  ..., -3.3345e-04,\n          2.9291e-04,  4.6570e-03],\n        [-8.5313e-04,  5.1247e-04,  2.9434e-03,  ..., -1.6669e-04,\n          6.3304e-04,  8.2082e-04],\n        [-1.0297e-03, -5.9040e-05, -4.5201e-04,  ...,  1.1601e-03,\n          1.0437e-03,  2.4179e-04]], device='cuda:0',\n       grad_fn=<LigerKLDivLossFunctionBackward>), atol=1e-08, rtol=1e-06)
     +    where <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0> = torch.allclose
    FAILED test/transformers/[dtype1-1e-08-1e-06-none-False-32-4096-1024] - AssertionError: assert False
     +  where False = <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0>(tensor([[ 3.8871e-04,  1.5342e-03,  9.7731e-04,  ...,  1.5857e-04,\n          2.0651e-05, -2.0225e-04],\n        [ 3.0436e-04,  1.4040e-03, -1.4338e-04,  ..., -9.6487e-04,\n          3.6957e-04, -1.7970e-04],\n        [ 1.3870e-02,  1.8989e-03, -2.3409e-04,  ..., -9.2741e-05,\n         -2.1325e-03, -3.6861e-04],\n        ...,\n        [ 1.6965e-04,  7.5081e-04,  1.7243e-03,  ..., -3.3345e-04,\n          2.9291e-04,  4.6570e-03],\n        [-8.5313e-04,  5.1247e-04,  2.9434e-03,  ..., -1.6669e-04,\n          6.3304e-04,  8.2082e-04],\n        [-1.0297e-03, -5.9040e-05, -4.5201e-04,  ...,  1.1601e-03,\n          1.0437e-03,  2.4179e-04]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<SubBackward0>), tensor([[ 3.8871e-04,  1.5342e-03,  9.7731e-04,  ...,  1.5857e-04,\n          2.0651e-05, -2.0225e-04],\n        [ 3.0436e-04,  1.4040e-03, -1.4338e-04,  ..., -9.6487e-04,\n          3.6957e-04, -1.7970e-04],\n        [ 1.3870e-02,  1.8989e-03, -2.3409e-04,  ..., -9.2741e-05,\n         -2.1325e-03, -3.6861e-04],\n        ...,\n        [ 1.6965e-04,  7.5081e-04,  1.7243e-03,  ..., -3.3345e-04,\n          2.9291e-04,  4.6570e-03],\n        [-8.5313e-04,  5.1247e-04,  2.9434e-03,  ..., -1.6669e-04,\n          6.3304e-04,  8.2082e-04],\n        [-1.0297e-03, -5.9040e-05, -4.5201e-04,  ...,  1.1601e-03,\n          1.0437e-03,  2.4179e-04]], device='cuda:0',\n       grad_fn=<LigerKLDivLossFunctionBackward>), atol=1e-08, rtol=1e-06)
     +    where <built-in method allclose of type object at 0x7035c99e82c0> = torch.allclose
    FAILED test/triton/ - ValueError: non-hexadecimal number found in fromhex() arg at position 0
    ================================ 6 failed, 1012 passed, 8 skipped, 72 warnings in 630.02s (0:10:30) ================================
    make: *** [Makefile:8: test] Error 1


Co-authored-by: tjtanaa <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: root <tjtanaa>
  • Loading branch information
tjtanaa and tjtanaa authored Nov 2, 2024
1 parent a2f3017 commit ac7b38a
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Showing 7 changed files with 37 additions and 16 deletions.
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,11 +111,18 @@ With one line of code, Liger Kernel can increase throughput by more than 20% and

## Installation

### Dependencies
### Dependencies

#### CUDA

- `torch >= 2.1.2`
- `triton >= 2.3.0`

#### ROCm

- `torch >= 2.5.0` Install according to the instruction in Pytorch official webpage.
- `triton >= 3.0.0` Install from pypi. (e.g. `pip install triton==3.0.0`)

### Optional Dependencies

- `transformers >= 4.x`: Required if you plan to use the transformers models patching APIs. The specific model you are working will dictate the minimum version of transformers.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,6 +152,7 @@ pip install -e .
pip install -e .[transformers]

## Getting Started

There are a couple of ways to apply Liger kernels, depending on the level of customization required.
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/liger_kernel/ops/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import triton
import triton.language as tl

from liger_kernel.ops.utils import element_mul_kernel
from liger_kernel.ops.utils import element_mul_kernel, is_hip

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ def cross_entropy_forward(_input, target, ignore_index, label_smoothing, reducti
# TODO: 32 seems to give the best performance
# Performance is quite sensitive to num_warps
num_warps=32 if not is_hip() else 16,

loss = torch.sum(loss_1d)
Expand All @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ def cross_entropy_backward(_input, grad_output):
num_warps=32 if not is_hip() else 16,

return _input
Expand Down
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions src/liger_kernel/ops/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
import triton

from liger_kernel.ops.cross_entropy import liger_cross_entropy_kernel
from liger_kernel.ops.utils import amp_custom_bwd, amp_custom_fwd, element_mul_kernel
from liger_kernel.ops.utils import (

# The hard limit of TRITON_MAX_TENSOR_NUMEL is 1048576
# However, setting limit as 65536 as in LayerNorm tutorial is faster because of less register spilling
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +93,7 @@ def fused_linear_cross_entropy_forward(
num_warps=32 if not is_hip() else 16,

# gradient of logits_chunk is computed in-place by the above triton kernel.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,7 +158,7 @@ def fused_linear_cross_entropy_backward(
num_warps=32 if not is_hip() else 16,

# handle grad_weight
Expand All @@ -167,7 +172,7 @@ def fused_linear_cross_entropy_backward(
num_warps=32 if not is_hip() else 16,

if grad_bias is not None:
Expand All @@ -180,7 +185,7 @@ def fused_linear_cross_entropy_backward(
num_warps=32 if not is_hip() else 16,
return grad_input, grad_weight, grad_bias

Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/liger_kernel/ops/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,12 @@
import triton

from liger_kernel.ops.jsd import _jsd_kernel
from liger_kernel.ops.utils import amp_custom_bwd, amp_custom_fwd, element_mul_kernel
from liger_kernel.ops.utils import (

# The hard limit of TRITON_MAX_TENSOR_NUMEL is 1048576
# However, setting limit as 65536 as in LayerNorm tutorial is faster because of less register spilling
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,7 +152,7 @@ def fused_linear_jsd_backward(grad_output, grad_input, grad_weight):
num_warps=32 if not is_hip() else 16,

# handle grad_weight
Expand All @@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ def fused_linear_jsd_backward(grad_output, grad_input, grad_weight):
num_warps=32 if not is_hip() else 16,

return grad_input, grad_weight
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/liger_kernel/ops/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
import triton
import triton.language as tl

from liger_kernel.ops.utils import ensure_contiguous
from liger_kernel.ops.utils import ensure_contiguous, is_hip

def get_num_warps(BLOCK_SIZE):
num_warps = 4
if BLOCK_SIZE >= 32768:
num_warps = 32
num_warps = 32 if not is_hip() else 16
elif BLOCK_SIZE >= 8192:
num_warps = 16
elif BLOCK_SIZE >= 2048:
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/liger_kernel/ops/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
from packaging.version import Version

def is_hip() -> bool:
return torch.version.hip is not None

def ensure_contiguous(fn):
def wrapper(ctx, *args, **kwargs):
Expand All @@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ def calculate_settings(n):

num_warps = 4
if BLOCK_SIZE >= 32768:
num_warps = 32
num_warps = 32 if not is_hip() else 16
elif BLOCK_SIZE >= 8192:
num_warps = 16
elif BLOCK_SIZE >= 2048:
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/liger_kernel/transformers/model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@

from transformers.cache_utils import Cache

Expand Down

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