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Tiny MongoDB Benchmark

This is a benchmark for assessing MongoDB performance in a SaaS environment when running a lot of instances on a single box/VM. The benchmark is split into a load and a run phase. During the load phase, random data is inserted into MongoDB, during the run phase the data is retrieved and new random data is inserted into MongoDB with a read/write ratio of 0.9.


The benchmark is a Java project build with Apache Maven. In order to build the project from source run the package phase of Apache Maven:

#> mvn package


The benchmark is written in Java and at least Java version 6 is required to run the generated jar file. Since a lot of latency data is recorded per thread, large amounts of memory are needed and the benchmark has to be run with a larger than normal heapsize during the run phase. usage: java -jar mongo-bench-1.1-beta-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar [options]

 -a,--record-latencies <arg>     Set the file prefix to which to write latencies to of all the DBs
 -c,--num-documents <arg>        The number of documents to create during the load phase
 -d,--duration <arg>             Run the bench for this many seconds
 -e,--user <arg>                 Username for authentication
 -f,--connect-file <arg>         Use a connection file with MongoDB URIs instead of p and t
 -h,--help                       Show this help dialog
 -i,--replica-set <arg>          Name of the replica set to connect
 -j,--target-rate <arg>          Send request at the given rate. Accepts decimal numbers
 -k,--password <arg>             Password for authentication
 -l,--phase <arg>                The phase to execute [run|load]
 -n,--num-thread <arg>           The number of threads to run
 -o,--timeout <arg>              Set the timeouts in seconds for networking operations
 -p,--port <arg>                 The ports to connect to
 -r,--reporting-interval <arg>   The interval in seconds for reporting progress
 -s,--document-size <arg>        The size of the created documents
 -t,--target  <arg>              The target single host to connect to
 -u,--ssl                        Use SSL for MongoDB connections
 -w,--warmup-time <arg>          The number of seconds to wait before actually collecting result data

The benchmark is split into two phases: Load and Run. Random data is added
during the load phase which is in turn retrieved from mongodb in the run phase.


Loading 1000 documents of size 1024 bytes each into MongoDB instances on ports 30001-30010 on using 8 threads:

#> java -jar /tmp/mongo-bench-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -s 1024 \
-c 1000 -l load -p 30001-30010 -t -n 8

Loading 1000 documents of size 1024 bytes into a MongoDB instance on port 20401 on using 1 thread, replica-set name usman1, SSL and authorization username and password usman:

#> java \ -jar \
target/mongo-bench-1.1-beta-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -s 1024 -c 1000 \
-l load -p 20401 -t -n 1 -u -e usman -k usman -i usman1

Of course, you would need to import the certificate and add it to a keystore, for java to read.

Using a "connect file" as given below:

mongodb://usman:[email protected]:2058,,
mongodb://usman:[email protected]:1371,,

One can run the following command to load into the two databases:

java \ -jar \
target/mongo-bench-2.0-beta-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -s 1024 -c 1000 \
-l load -n 2 -f /home/usman/cluster_connect.txt

Currently, use only 1 thread for each DB for loading.

For running the read/write test for 60 seconds, use the following command:

java \ -jar \
target/mongo-bench-2.0-beta-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -s 1024 -c 1000 \
-l run -n 2 -f /home/usman/cluster_connect.txt -d 60

Running the benchmark against ports 30001-30010 on the box using 4 threads for 600 seconds with a 60 second warmup time and target an overall rate of 1000 transactions/second:

#> java -Xmx16384m -jar /tmp/mongo-bench-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
-l run -p 30001-30010 -t -n 4 -w 60 -d 600 -j 1000


For debugging the application, start the JVM in terminal via:

java \ \
-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=y -jar \
target/mongo-bench-2.0-beta-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -s 1024 -c 1000 \
-l load -n 2 -f /home/usman/cluster_connect.txt -d 60

In a separate terminal, use jdb to attach to this JVM.

jdb -connect com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach:port=8000 -sourcepath src/main/java/

To connect to a DB, use the following commands:

"mongodb://usman:[email protected]:20359,," \
--sslCAFile /tmp/ --ssl \

Afterwards, use the following commands to check the status of the DB.

show dbs;
use mongo-bench;


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