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Rüdiger Beck edited this page Jul 21, 2021 · 2 revisions

Bind Users for AD Access

To enable access from moodle it is strongly recommended NOT to use Administrator with full access to your AD.

Instead crate a bind-user for each server that connects to your AD, i.e. the moodle-binduser:

Create the user and keep the password in a file (i):

# sophomorix-admin --create-school-binduser moodle-binduser --school default-school --random-passwd-save

Add a comment so that you know what this user is used for:

# sophomorix-user -u moodle-binduser --comment "AD access from moodle"

For the connecion to AD you can display the relevant data:

sophomorix-admin -i -a moodle-binduser

This displays on top:

  1. The bind dn
  2. The password (if saved)
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