Dogi helps you deploy your pet projects using Docker, Git, Traefik and SSH.
Get the code at
- Keep things simple.
- Deploy your application with Git pushes (Heroku-style).
- Use Docker and Dockerfiles to define and contain your application dependencies.
- Expose and manage a web server in the most simple way using Traefik.
- Manage SSL certificates automatically with Traefik and Let's Encrypt.
- Recover from outages or server restarts without any manual intervention.
- Pass commands through SSH to manage your applications.
- Handle all this with a simple, POSIX-compliant and easy to review Shell script.
- Handling more than one server at a time.
- Handling complex use cases.
- Anything anywhere close to Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, build packs or Helm charts.
- Using Docker to establish network isolation (all containers are part of the same internal network).
Let's say you've built a web app to showcase your awesome coin collection. You've added a Dockerfile which exposes a port via EXPOSE
. You'd like to see it running at
The following instructions assume that you've installed Dogi, you can connect to your server by calling ssh [email protected]
and you've pointed your domain's DNS records to this machine.
Let's create the app:
ssh -t [email protected] dogi create -n coins -d
Some Dogi commands are interactive so we need to call
with the-t
(request TTY) option.
Next, let's configure the app with some environment variables:
ssh -t [email protected] dogi env -n coins
Connect your application's local Git repository to the newly created remote Git repository:
git remote add dogi [email protected]:/home/dogi/apps/coins/git
...and trigger your first deployment by making a push to the remote repository:
git push dogi master
If the deployment was successful and the domain's DNS records are pointing to your server, your website should be available under
If you'd like to trigger a deployment without making a Git push (without triggering a code change), you can call:
ssh -t [email protected] dogi deploy -n coins
You can stream your application's logs by calling:
ssh -t [email protected] dogi logs -n coins
Finally, if you'd like to remove the application entirely run:
ssh -t [email protected] dogi remove -n coins
Dogi is basically just a POSIX-compliant Shell script with Docker and git as dependencies. It has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 but it should run fine on any recent Ubuntu or Debian version.
Here's how to set it up on Ubuntu:
Install git:
sudo apt-get install git
Install Docker. Please refer to the official installation guide or try your luck with:
sudo apt-get install
Install Dogi:
curl -s > /usr/local/bin/dogi chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dogi
If you prefer to use a specific version of Dogi, replace the branch name (
) in the URL above with a tagged version. -
(Optional, but recommended) Create a dedicated user for running Dogi:
adduser --disabled-password --shell /bin/bash dogi
All relevant files will be placed inside
so ensure the user has a home directory and it uses the right permissions. -
Make sure the user running Dogi belongs to the
group:addgroup docker || true usermod -aG docker dogi
Set up your public SSH key under
so that you can access the server and allow pushes to the Dogi git repositories. -
That's it! Assuming you can reach the server by calling
ssh [email protected]
, let's test the installation:ssh -t [email protected] dogi help
...which should print the Dogi help message.
(Optional) Simplify the way you access Dogi over SSH by adding a shortcut to your
:Host my-server HostName User dogi RequestTTY force
Now you can call any Dogi command like this:
ssh my-server dogi help
Bear in mind that
doesn't play nicely withRequestTTY force
so avoid usingscp
over such a shortcut or remove the setting in favour of explicitly adding-t
to every Dogi SSH call.
Run dogi help
for a list of all available commands and options.
Run shellcheck (0.7+):
shellcheck dogi