👋 Hi, I’m Lisa DeSpain, aka @lisamdespain
Frontend: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ant Design, Material UI, Responsive Design, React.js, Redux, Hooks, Context API, Jest, Cypress, Axios, Shopify, WordPress
Backend: Node.js, Express, REST API, SQL, Knex, SQLite3, GitHub, VS Code, Vercel, Heroku, Netlify, Postman
Skills: Project Management, Algorithms, Architecture, Debugging, Jira, Agile, InDesign, Photoshop, MS Office
- 👀 I just completed the full stack web development program at BloomTech, and am working on several apps in development
- 🌱 I love REACT!
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on React projects
- ✨ Weird trivia about me: I love quilting, knitting and crochet
- 📫 How to reach me: email [email protected] or LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisamdespain/