Releases: litespeedtech/lscache_prestashop
[New Feature]Add ESI block 'Hooked Method Parameters' GUI option and feature
[New Feature]Add ESI block 'Disable this ESI block‘ GUI option
[New Feature]Add "only cache logged-out view" feature
[New Feature]Exclude URL List now support REGEX rules
[Update]Add "Enable LiteSpeed ESI" GUI option, skip ESI blocks if ESI feature not enabled to avoid problems.
[Update]Allow ESI block TTL set to 0 to be treated as no-cache ESI block
[Bugfix]fix ajax login module keep loading problem
[Bugfix]fix bugs which cause customized ESI block save failure
[Bugfix]fix errors when creating product via prestashop webservice
[Bugfix]fix a bug which may cause 500 error
[Bugfix]fix a panda theme error which cause shopping cart not update.
[Bugfix]fix deprecetions warnings
Fixed compatibility issue with Prestashop V8.
[UPDATE] Removed the customer and cart data from javascript "prestashop" variable for cached pages.
[UPDATE] Added "Do not flush" option in flush product settings.
[UPDATE] When a specific price is deleted or updated, or a production attribute is deleted from the admin backend, auto purge the product page.
[BUGFIX] Updated AdminModule Link in the redirect URL.
[BUGFIX] Added missing input ID in the form input fields for Prestashop V8 compatibility.
Improved cache purge, cache with vary change, and third party integration
Version 1.4.0
- [Major Improvement] Allow page to be cacheable when there is a vary change for context.
- [Improvement] Refactored third party integration to allow better control and more flexibility.
- [Improvement] Fine tuned page purge behavior and reduced unnecessary Purge All actions.
- [New] Added a new configuration for Flush Home Page.
- [New] Added a new configuration for Vary Bypass variables.
- [New] Added a new configuration for Enable Debug Headers for easy troubleshooting.
- [New] Added integration support for Panda/Transform themes from
- [New] Added integration support for Cart drop down module (pscartdropdown).
- [Bugfix] Added return parameters in filter hooks, to allow other modules to continue with filter process.
Improved third party module integration
- New Feature: Added built-in support for caching product comments block
- Allow setting a different TTL for product comments since there is no auto purge when comments are updated.
- Allow purge all comments block, or purge comments for a particular product ID In LSCache management page.
- New Feature: Added a dedicated LSCache Vary cookie for AMP.
- Third Party Module Integration Improvements:
- Added predispatch hook point.
- Allow adding extra public cacheable controllers.
- Added hook point for adding cache tags.
- Module integration is now based on Module::isEnabled instead of Module::isInstalled.
- New Feature: Added built-in support for promokit pspagebuilder and pk_amp modules.
- pspagebuilder will handle header with sign-in block and cart block.
- pk_amp will support AMP view using the new built-in AMP vary cookie.
- Other updates:
- LSCache will be automatically purged when Smarty Cache is purged from Admin backend performance page (PS 1.6 & PS 1.7).
- Improved compatibility with PS 1.6 for hook registration method.
- Display current module version on LSCache config screen in Admin dashboard.
- Allow purge by shop ID from LSCache management screen in Admin dashboard.
Improved compatibility with latest PS 1.7.6
Added hook to clear page cache when Smarty Cache cleared.
Improved compatibility with latest PS 1.7.6
For Warehouse theme, please remove ESI wrapper around "widget" from your template files, as widget will auto trigger event. more details at
Code cleaned up according to updated coding standard, thanks to @MathiasReker.
Web Services Support
Added web service hooks to auto-purge related products when there are updates or stock status changes.
Fixed an issue where uploading a new product image from the back office could cause an exception
Fixed the debug log file directory for PS 1.7.4 and 1.7.5
Added support for blockwishlist for PS 1.6
Allow PS1.6 styled non-widget modules for ESI customization
- Allow PS1.6 styled non-widget modules for ESI customization. Now user can add customization for uecookie.
- Fixed compatibility with third party modules for check out triggered purge actions.
TTL will honor effective date range for specific prices
• Improved mobile browsing under guest mode.
• Added LSCPS crawler; requires setup via separate cron job.
• If a page contains products with specific prices, TTL will be auto adjusted based on special price effective dates.
Improved auto flush and added more built-in integration.
- Added ability to auto flush products and related categories after a new order is placed.
- Improved ESI injection implementation for JavaScript variables.
- Added default support for third party modules: iqitcookielaw and iqitpopup (Warehouse theme), gdprpro (from PrestaChamps).
- Added language packs for Dutch and German.
Improve compatibility with PS1.7.2
Fixed missing purge header when save a product for PS1.7.
Fixed a bug for ESI injection introduced in v1.2.1.