This is the Ansible OSQuery + Prometheus Exporter role. It's designed for consumption by playbooks, not for consumption by itself. It adds OSQuery and it's Prometheus exporter. It's expected that another role will take care of reverse proxying this exporter with SSL and auth.
This assumes that the node exporter role has been installed and configured to look for exported metrics from batch jobs in the standard location.
For more information, see
// Todo: Put a link.
- Internet Access
- osquery_exporter compiled and available in ${GOPATH}/bin/
The OSQuery repo does not have any releases; it's built on HEAD. So, to limit the complexity of this playbook we presume that:
- ${GOPATH} environment variable exists, and
- osquery_exporter is in ${GOPATH}/bin/osquery_exporter
Whether it's the correct architecture is further beyond the scope of this playbook (i.e. if it's for a Raspberry Pi, compile it for ARM)
Include this in another ansible playbook. For sample, consider a generic server playbook:
# $PLAYBOOK_ROOT/server.yaml
- name: "server"
hosts: all
become: true
become_user: "root"
Add the reference for the role:
# $PLAYBOOK_ROOT/server.yaml
# ...
become_user: "root"
- "osquery"
This will allow the role to be discovered. Then, add this repo as a submodule:
$ cd path/to/playbook/root
$ mkdir roles/
$ git submodule add roles/osquery
This should work!
The variables that are available are defined in defaults/main.yml
Because that's how I felt like doing it. It feels like a small, but also, I don't care at the minute -- I'm just playing around.
- Contact: [email protected]
- Web: