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A Vue.js project

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

# run unit tests
npm run unit

# run e2e tests
npm run e2e

# run all tests
npm test

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.

Public => PublicTable 全局Table

isType = selection 选择框 isType = column 正常的 isType = defaults 带有默认值的 isType = html 渲染带有html的字符串 isType = number 渲染日期的 isType = per 渲染数字解加‘%’的 isType = money 渲染钱的保留两位小数 isType = scope 渲染带有状态的字段 isType = profit 角色列表里独有的 不显示‘系统管理员’的操作按钮 isType = popover 带有弹出框的表格 isType = button 按钮 接收一个数组 isType = image 现推广二维码独有 展示图片 isType = autoSort 表格数据里可以调节排序 eg: 用戶列表 {isType: 'selection', prop: '', label: '', width: '40'}, {isType: 'column', prop: 'mobile', label: '账号(手机)', width: '100'}, {isType: 'column', prop: 'user_name', label: '姓名', width: '90'}, {isType: 'money', prop: 'balance', label: '用户余额', width: '130'}, {isType: 'money', prop: 'money', label: '可用资金', width: ''}, {isType: 'money', prop: 'advisable', label: '可取资金', width: ''}, {isType: 'money', prop: 'freeze', label: '冻结资金', width: ''}, {isType: 'column', prop: 'lasttime', label: '股票市值', width: ''}, // 没有做 {isType: 'column', prop: 'yh', label: '盈亏金额', width: ''}, // 没有做 {isType: 'column', prop: 'resiger_time', label: '注册时间', width: '90'}, {isType: 'scope', prop: 'iv_status', label: '实名状态', width: '', status: [{state: 0, label: '待认证', color: '#ff6666'}, {state: 1, label: '已通过', color: '#6699cc'}, {state: 2, label: '未通过', color: '#b0b0b0'}]}, {isType: 'popover', prop: 'state', label: '账号状态', width: '', popover: {isButConfig: {isButton: true, isStatu: 'popTag', props: 'state', cancel: '取消', mine: '确定'}, popoverList: [{label: '操作', props: '', defaults: '是否禁用用户?'}], statuList: [{state: 0, label: '正常', color: '#6699cc'}, {state: 1, label: '禁用', color: '#b0b0b0'}]}}, {isType: 'popover', prop: 'staff_id', label: '所属员工', width: '', popover: {isButConfig: {isButton: false, cancel: '取消', mine: '确定'}, text: 'staff_id', defaults: '0', popoverList: [{label: '所属员工', props: 'staff_id_name', defaults: '无'}]}}, {isType: 'popover', prop: 'agent_id', label: '所属代理', width: '', popover: {isButConfig: {isButton: false, cancel: '取消', mine: '确定'}, text: 'agent_id', defaults: '0', popoverList: [{label: '所属代理', props: 'agent_id_name', defaults: '无'}]}}, {isType: 'button', prop: '', label: '操作', width: '270', btnArr: [{size: 'mini', type: 'text', label: '手动转账', evenName: 'handleClick', attr: 'a'}, {size: 'mini', type: 'text', label: '修改归属', evenName: 'handleClick', attr: 't'}, {size: 'mini', type: 'text', label: '信息审核', evenName: 'handleClick', attr: 'c', isShow: 2, prop: 'iv_status'}, {size: 'mini', type: 'text', label: '添加银行卡', evenName: 'handleClick', attr: 'd'}]}

Public => SearchBox 全局搜索框

isType = input 输入框 isType = select 选择框 isType = time 时间选择框 isType = button 按钮 接收一个数组

eg: 用戶列表 {isType: 'button', label: '', model: '', placeholder: 'asd', buttonArr: [{type: 'primary', evenName: 'addUserClick', evenText: '添加用户'}]}, {isType: 'time', label: '', model: 'arrTime', placeholder: ''}, {isType: 'input', label: '', model: 'staff_id', placeholder: '员工ID'}, {isType: 'input', label: '', model: 'agent_id', placeholder: '代理商ID'}, {isType: 'input', label: '', model: 'mobile', placeholder: '手机号码'}, {isType: 'input', label: '', model: 'user_name', placeholder: '姓名'}, {isType: 'select', label: '', model: 'status', placeholder: '实名状态', selectArr: [{label: '全部状态', value: ''}, {label: '已实名', value: '1'}, {label: '待认证', value: '0'}]}, {isType: 'button', label: '', model: 'v', placeholder: 'asd', buttonArr: [{type: 'primary', evenName: 'scoutAround', evenText: '查询'}, {type: 'primary', evenName: 'downloadAll', evenText: '导出Excel'}, {type: 'primary', evenName: 'setModify', evenText: '修改用户信息'}]}

Public => PopoverBox 表格内弹出框

Public => Pagination 分页

eg: 用戶列表 paginationConfig: { layout: 'prev, pager, next', total: '' }

Public => DialogBox 彈出框

eg: 银行卡列表 TableLabel: [ {isType: 'column', prop: 'id', label: '账户ID', width: '90'}, {isType: 'column', prop: 'mobile', label: '账户手机', width: ''}, {isType: 'column', prop: 'account_name', label: '开户名', width: ''}, {isType: 'column', prop: 'bank_config_namer', label: '开户行', width: ''}, {isType: 'column', prop: 'bank_name', label: '开户分行', width: ''}, {isType: 'column', prop: 'bank_no', label: '银行卡号', width: ''}, {isType: 'button', prop: '', label: '操作', width: '', btnArr: [{size: 'mini', type: 'text', label: '修改', evenName: 'handleClick', attr: ''}]} ],

vendor 富文本编辑插件

untils => axios配置文件 api我文件 全局函数 正则

Filter => 过滤器

icon => 第三方图标库


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