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Python API for interacting with dserver.

This package offers a class-based asynchronous lookup API within dtool_lookup_api.core.LookupClient, a simple class-less wrapper around it at dtool_lookup_api.asynchronous, and a synchronous interface on top at dtool_lookup_api.synchronous.

Direct imports of utility functions from dtool_lookup_api in the examples below forward to the synchronous API variant.


To install the dtool_lookup_api package.

pip install dtool_lookup_api

This package depends on a dserver instance to talk to.


The API needs to know the URL of the lookup server

export DSERVER_URL=https://localhost:5000

You may also need specify an access token generated on the server

export DSERVER_TOKEN=$(flask user token testuser)

Instead of specifying the access token directly, it is also possible to provide

export DSERVER_TOKEN_GENERATOR_URL=https://localhost:5001
export DSERVER_USERNAME=my-username
export DSERVER_PASSWORD=my-password

for the API to request a token. This, however, is intended only for testing purposes and strongly discouraged in a production environment, as your password would reside within environment variables or the dtool config file as clear text.

Our recommended setup is a combination of

export DSERVER_URL=https://localhost:5000
export DSERVER_TOKEN_GENERATOR_URL=https://localhost:5001

in the config. If used interactively, the API will then ask for your credentials at the first interaction and cache the provided values for this session, i.e.

In [1]: from dtool_lookup_api import query
   ...: res = query(
   ...:     {
   ...:         '': {'$regex': '^Testing User$'},
   ...:     }
   ...: )
Authentication URL https://localhost:5001/token username:my-username
Authentication URL https://localhost:5001/token password:

In [2]: res
[{'base_uri': 'smb://test-share',
  'created_at': 'Sun, 08 Nov 2020 18:38:40 GMT',
  'creator_username': 'jotelha',
  'dtoolcore_version': '3.17.0',
  'frozen_at': 'Wed, 11 Nov 2020 17:20:30 GMT',
  'name': 'simple_test_dataset',
  'tags': [],
  'type': 'dataset',
  'uri': 'smb://test-share/1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675',
  'uuid': '1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675'}]

In [3]: from dtool_lookup_api import all
   ...: all()
[{'base_uri': 'smb://test-share',
  'created_at': 1604860720.736269,
  'creator_username': 'jotelha',
  'frozen_at': 1604921621.719575,
  'name': 'simple_test_dataset',
  'uri': 'smb://test-share/1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675',
  'uuid': '1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675'}]

Credentials caching and interactive prompting are turned off with

In [1]: import dtool_lookup_api.core.config
   ...: dtool_lookup_api.core.config.Config.interactive = False
   ...: dtool_lookup_api.core.config.Config.cache = False

In [2]: from dtool_lookup_api import all
   ...: all()
RuntimeError: Authentication failed

For testing purposes, it is possible to disable SSL certificates validation with


As usual, these settings may be specified within the default dtool configuration file as well, i.e. at ~/.config/dtool/dtool.json

    "DSERVER_TOKEN_GENERATOR_URL": "https://localhost:5001/token",
    "DSERVER_URL": "https://localhost:5000"

List all datasets

To list all registered datasets

In [1]: from dtool_lookup_api import get_datasets
   ...: res = get_datasets()

In [2]: res
[{'base_uri': 'smb://test-share',
'created_at': 1604860720.736269,
'creator_username': 'jotelha',
'frozen_at': 1604921621.719575,
'name': 'simple_test_dataset',
'uri': 'smb://test-share/1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675',
'uuid': '1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675'}]

Looking up datasets by UUID

To lookup URIs from a dataset UUID within Python

In [1]: from dtool_lookup_api import get_datasets_by_uuid
   ...: uuid = "1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675"
   ...: res = get_datasets_by_uuid(uuid)

In [2]: res
[{'base_uri': 'smb://test-share',
  'created_at': 1604860720.736269,
  'creator_username': 'jotelha',
  'frozen_at': 1604921621.719575,
  'name': 'simple_test_dataset',
  'uri': 'smb://test-share/1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675',
  'uuid': '1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675'}]

Full text searching

Full text search for the word "test"

In [1]: from dtool_lookup_api import get_datasets
    ...: res = get_datasets(free_text="test")

In [2]: res
[{'base_uri': 'smb://test-share',
  'created_at': 1604860720.736,
  'creator_username': 'jotelha',
  'dtoolcore_version': '3.17.0',
  'frozen_at': 1605027357.308,
  'name': 'simple_test_dataset',
  'tags': [],
  'type': 'dataset',
  'uri': 'smb://test-share/1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675',
  'uuid': '1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675'}]


Request the manifest of a particular dataset by URI

In [1]: from dtool_lookup_api import get_manifest
   ...: uri = 'smb://test-share/1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675'
   ...: res = get_manifest(uri)

In [2]: res
{'dtoolcore_version': '3.17.0',
 'hash_function': 'md5sum_hexdigest',
 'items': {'eb58eb70ebcddf630feeea28834f5256c207edfd': {'hash': '2f7d9c3e0cfd47e8fcab0c12447b2bf0',
   'relpath': 'simple_text_file.txt',
   'size_in_bytes': 17,
   'utc_timestamp': 1605027357.284966}}}


Request the readme content of a particular dataset by URI

In [1]: from dtool_lookup_api import get_readme
    ..: res = get_readme('smb://test-share/1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675')

In [2]: import yaml
    ..: yaml.safe_load(res)
{'creation_date': '2020-11-08',
'description': 'testing description',
'expiration_date': '2022-11-08',
'funders': [{'code': 'testing_code',
 'organization': 'testing_organization',
 'program': 'testing_program'}],
'owners': [{'email': '[email protected]',
 'name': 'Testing User',
 'orcid': 'testing_orcid',
 'username': 'testing_user'}],
'project': 'testing project'}

Direct mongo language queries

To list all datasets at a certain base URI with their name matching some regular expression pattern, send a direct mongo language query to the server with

In [15]: from dtool_lookup_api import query
    ...: res = query(
    ...:     {
    ...:         'base_uri': 'smb://test-share',
    ...:         'name': {'$regex': 'test'},
    ...:     }
    ...: )

In [16]: res
[{'base_uri': 'smb://test-share',
'created_at': 'Sun, 08 Nov 2020 18:38:40 GMT',
'creator_username': 'jotelha',
'dtoolcore_version': '3.17.0',
'frozen_at': 'Tue, 10 Nov 2020 16:55:57 GMT',
'name': 'simple_test_dataset',
'tags': [],
'type': 'dataset',
'uri': 'smb://test-share/1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675',
'uuid': '1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675'}]

It is possible to search readme content via

In [21]: from dtool_lookup_api import query
    ...: res = query(
    ...:     {
    ...:         '': {'$regex': '^Testing User$'},
    ...:     }
    ...: )

In [22]: res
[{'base_uri': 'smb://test-share',
  'created_at': 'Sun, 08 Nov 2020 18:38:40 GMT',
  'creator_username': 'jotelha',
  'dtoolcore_version': '3.17.0',
  'frozen_at': 'Tue, 10 Nov 2020 16:55:57 GMT',
  'name': 'simple_test_dataset',
  'tags': [],
  'type': 'dataset',
  'uri': 'smb://test-share/1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675',
  'uuid': '1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675'}]

This requires the server-side dserver-direct-mongo-plugin.

TODO: Response from server-side direct mongo plugin still yields dates as strings. Fix within

Usage on Jupyter notebook

The current implementation via asgiref.async_to_sync ( hinders the use of the synchronous interface within Jupyter notebooks. Directly use the asynchronous api instead

import dtool_lookup_api.asynchronous as dl
res = await dl.query({
    'base_uri': 'smb://test-share',
    'name': {'$regex': 'test'},

The drawback of the above approach is that the same code doesn't work in python and in jupyter (await outsite of a function is a syntax error in non-interactive python context). The code below can be executed in both contexts:

import dtool_lookup_api.asynchronous as dl
if asyncio.get_event_loop().is_running():
    # then we are in jupyter notebook
    # this allows nested event loops, i.e. calls to inside the notebook as well
    # This way, the same code works in notebook and python
    import nest_asyncio

def query(query_dict):

    'base_uri': 'smb://test-share',
    'name': {'$regex': 'test'},

See jupyter/notebook#3397 (comment),


Install editable with testing requirements with

pip install -e .[test]

By default, tests rely on the demonstrator instance.

This can be changed by configuring

    "DSERVER_URL": "",
    "DSERVER_USERNAME": "testuser",
    "DSERVER_PASSWORD": "test_password",

within tests/