ETypesetting based on Sigil is an Epub ebook Editor that can manipulate epub2 and epub3
- Support for epub2 and epub3
- A simulator that can simulate rendering on different mobile phone including iPhone and Xiaomi etc. using DeDao self-designed ebook engine.
- Night mode or other background color using in ebook
- Math formula edit
- Rendering just in time when editing HTML file
- HTML syntax check
- Install Python3 on your machine
- Install Qt5.5 with webkit build, or you can get it from here directly
- Download CMake
- Download engine library from here and link them
- Set Qt path to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in CMake
- Create an Xcode project
- Build and run
When you want to build a release version, put Python framework in your application's lib or Frameworks directory and reset shared libraries linked to @rpath/Python.framework/Versions/${versionNumber}/Python��
Mac installer dmg is put on ${BuildRootPath}/Build/bin/Release
- Install Python3 on your machine
- Install Qt5.5 with webkit build, or you can get it from here directly
- Download CMake
- Download engine library from here and link them
- Set Qt path to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in CMake
- Create an VS project
- Build and run
Run makeinstaller solution to make a windows wizard
When contributing to this project, you need to discuss the change you want to make with us first by issue.
The git log message formate we use is here
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Sigil developers
- Dedao Ebook typography staff
- Developers for those contributed to this project
- Sigil
- Hunspell - http://hunspell.sourceforge.net
- MiniZip version 1.1
- Perl-compatible Regular Expression Library (pcre)
- ZLib Data Compression Library (zlib 1.2.8)
- jQuery-2.2.4 (src/Resource_Files/javascript/jquery-2.2.4.min.js)
- jQuery.ScrollTo-2.1.2 (src/Resource_Files/javascript/jquery.scrollTo-2.1.2.min.js)
- MathJax.js single file version: (src/Resource_Files/polyfills)
In addtion, ETypesetting uses the following other packages that have been specifically modified for use inside ETypesetting:
- Beautiful Soup 4 (src/Resource_Files/plugin_launchers/sigil_bs4)
- Google's Gumbo Parser (internal/gumbo)