- You’ve been building backend APIs for your Chatterboxes, Shortly and Web Archiving apps – now it's time to put that knowledge to the test by building something that others outside the class can use!
- You can use one of the sample datasets I've provided, or hunt down one of your own using some of the links below.
- Don't spend too much time gathering data! If you do decide to find your own dataset, I’d recommend starting by using Postman or curl-ing a small sample of data, putting it in a JSON file or a simple mongo DB, and then building the URL endpoints and controllers to perform and serve up queries for the data.
- Bonus points if you can deploy the API server and data to Heroku, Azure, or another PaaS of your choosing!
I've included sample data sets for sales contacts, Game of Thrones characters, and the original 151 Pokemon, though feel free to find your own!
- https://github.com/HackerNews/API - documentation and samples of the official HN API
- https://data.sfgov.org/ - Data from the City of San Francisco, including all fire and police responses
- http://hckrnews.com/data/ - Archive of all Front Page Hacker News articles with their upvote and comment count
- https://www.reddit.com/dev/api - All things related to the Reddit API
- https://www.reddit.com/r/datasets - A small-ish subreddit devoted to free datasets (sorting by top/all time usually yields the best results)
- https://github.com/reddit/reddit/wiki/JSON - Describes the JSON obj you get from the Reddit JSON API
- https://dev.twitter.com/rest/public - All things twitter