Note: Question shuffling has been temporarily disabled to facilitate testing.
My first solo encounter with Redux is this history quiz app. Using the Open Trivia API I created a quiz that generates questions for a single user and then presents an answer sheet at the end (along with a silly gif based on the user's score).
- React
- Redux
- Jest, Redux-Mock-Store, Fetch-Mock
git clone [repo path]
- Install all dependencies:
npm i
- Build the site:
npm run build
- Copy and paste the index.html path into your browser
npm test
A back end. At this point the core-focus was on introducing Redux, and a back end seemed like too much work for a weekend.
- functionality. I worked on the Quizster project (in my repositories) which did almost exactly this, in order to support a multiplayer approach, where (x) number of users could partake of a single quiz.