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`libft` is a personal C library developed during the Hive Helsinki curriculum, featuring commonly used functions for string manipulation, memory management, and list handling.

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A C Library


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📚 About The Project

libft is a custom C library created as part of the Hive Helsinki curriculum. The goal of this project is to recreate some standard C library functions and some additional utility functions that can be used in a wide range of projects.

The library includes a variety of functions, including string manipulation, memory management, character checks, and linked list operations. These functions mimic the behavior of their standard C library counterparts, providing a deeper understanding of these fundamental operations.

This library serves as a solid foundation for coding more complex projects in C, as it provides a suite of tested and reliable functions that students can use in their future projects.

This project was completed as a solo project.

🏁 Getting Started

🛠️ Installation & Setup

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate into the project directory: cd libft
  3. Compile the library: make

📚 Library Contents

The libft library contains the following functions:

Character check functions

  • ft_isalnum
  • ft_isalpha
  • ft_isascii
  • ft_isdigit
  • ft_isprint
  • ft_toupper
  • ft_tolower

String manipulation functions

  • ft_atoi
  • ft_itoa
  • ft_putchar_fd
  • ft_putendl_fd
  • ft_putnbr_fd
  • ft_putstr_fd
  • ft_split
  • ft_strchr
  • ft_strdup
  • ft_striteri
  • ft_strjoin
  • ft_strlcat
  • ft_strlcpy
  • ft_strlen
  • ft_strmapi
  • ft_strncmp
  • ft_strnstr
  • ft_strrchr
  • ft_strchr
  • ft_strtrim
  • ft_substr
  • get_next_line
  • get_next_line_utils

Memory manipulation functions

  • ft_bzero
  • ft_calloc
  • ft_memchr
  • ft_memcmp
  • ft_memcpy
  • ft_memmove
  • ft_memset

Linked list functions

  • ft_lsttadd_back
  • ft_lsttadd_front
  • ft_lstclear
  • ft_lstdelone
  • ft_lstiter
  • ft_lstlast
  • ft_lstmap
  • ft_lstnew
  • ft_lstsize

📝 Evaluation Requirements

The libft project was evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Code Quality: The code must be clear, concise, and efficient. It should be well-organized and easy to read.

  2. Functionality: All functions must work correctly and handle edge cases. The library should not have any memory leaks.

  3. Compiling: The library must compile without any errors or warnings.

  4. Makefile: The project should include a Makefile that compiles the library and includes rules like all, clean, fclean, and re.

  5. Bonus: Bonus points were awarded for additional functions that are useful for the rest of the program.

🧑‍💻 Peer Evaluations (3/3)

Here are some of the comments received during the peer evaluation of the libft project:

Peer 1: "Very good work Lumi! We talked a lot of her code and we made tests and all worked well. Code is easy to read and all solutions were very nice and easy to understand. Good luck to next evaluation!"

Peer 2: "Lumi did outstanding work on the project and is very knowledgable about all of the code we checked together. She was easily able to describe how her code works, and dissect the different portions down to the correct type of return values to be outputted. I learned a bit more about NULL , and when and where to use it! Keep up the great work."

Peer 3: "Lumi's code is extremely elegant, more readable than most I've seen so far. I feel I learnt a lot from seeing her syntax. Code all works and passes the norm, good luck with the rest of the evaluations!"

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


`libft` is a personal C library developed during the Hive Helsinki curriculum, featuring commonly used functions for string manipulation, memory management, and list handling.






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