CSS Cascading Style Sheets, is hard to debug
Bootstrap, such as button, card, nav. define a number of CSS styles toghther.
Tailwind is explicit.
Tailwind Advantanges
- Prototype
- Iterate
- Customize
- Set of prefixes
| Tailwind application requires less CSS to be written, with most of the design coming from the composition of Tailwind utilities. This means we spend less time naming CSS and managing global CSS, allowing us to spend more effort on the actual display of our site. Tailwind makes it easy to make incremental changes, see the results, and understand the scope of our changes. These features make it especially useful when prototyping a new site.
课程地址在这里, https://www.educative.io/courses/modern-css-tailwind/add-tailwind-features
但是由于VM的网络原因,ruby, rails安装版本低,和 nodejs 版本不匹配,所以暂时搁置该课程。后续有空再弄。