This game project was developed by students coursing System Analisys and Development at Faculdade SENAI Gaspar Ricardo Junior, with 2rpnet support.
Start date: 06/10/2024.
End date: to be defined.
- Java IDE like IntelliJ or Eclipse (used IntelliJ for development),
- java 22(used jdk 22.0.1),
- java.fx,
- Download the IntelliJ (community edition is free) - IntelliJ (Community Edition),
- Download git - git for windows),
- Install both IntelliJ and git,
- Clone the project,
- Open it at IntelliJ (wait the dependencies to install),
- Close the project,
- Open it again.
title: Zombies Attack
Characters <|-- Player
Characters <|-- Zombies
ImageView <|-- Characters
Application <|-- Game
class Game{
+start(Stage primaryStage)
+main(string[] args)
class ImageView{
class Characters{
-int life
-boolean right
-boolean left
-int speed
-int strength
-ImageView sprite
-Image[] walking
+move(int frame, String weapon)
+move(int frame, int type)
+setSprite(Image img)
+setSprite(Image img, int type)
+setSprite(Image img, String weapon)
+setSprite(Image img, String weapon, boolean isShooting)
class Player{
-String name
-int points
-String weapon
-boolean isJumping
-boolean isCooldown
-String direction
+attack(Pane pane, ArrayList<Zombies> zombies)
+checkHealing(ImageView healing, Pane pane)
+animationEndGame(Scene scene, Pane pane, Stage stage)
+hit(Zombie zombie)
class Zombies{
-int type
+Zombies(int positionX, int type)
+chasing(Player player, Zombie zombie, int frame)
class Menu{
+homeScreen(Scene scene, Pane pane, Stage stage, Ranking ranking)
+rankingScreen(Scene scene, Pane pane, Stage stage, Ranking ranking)
+gameKeys(Scene scene, Pane pane, Stage stage)
+gameOver(Scene scene, Pane pane, Stage stage, Player p1)
+game(Scene scene, Pane pane, Stage stage)
+loading(Scene scene, Pane pane, Stage stage)
+rankingName(Scene scene, Pane pane, Stage stage, Player p1)
class GameLoop{
-boolean paused
-boolean canRestart
double difficulty
+gamePaused(Scene scene, Pane pane, AnimationTimer gameLooping)
class Sounds{
+getRifle(int op)
+getPistol(int op)
class Ranking{
-ArrayList<Winner> winners
-File archive
+saveWinner(String name, int points)
class Winner{
-String name
-int points
+Winner(String name, int points)
class Application{
During a zombie apocalypse, Indiana Grimes was the only one from his city that survived. Trying to find someone else or at least a single life, he runs the world fighting lots of types of zombies using his knife and wapons that he finds along the way.
- Short zombies are fast, have low life and a medium hit,
- Medium zombies have a medium speed, medium life and a weak hit,
- Tall zombies are the slowest one, have the biggest life and the strongest hit.
Indiana Grimes:
- Inspired by Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead and Indiana Jones. Indiana Grimes fights to survive the zombie apocalypse using a variety of weapons.
The game works in rounds, at start the survivor has a knife to fight, by killing zombies he gets more points that allows him to use better weapons. Only the five best that reach more points can appear at the ranking.
- Each zombie has different point rewards from killing them,
- Player weapon change by reaching especific points,
- Indiana Grimes has 10 hits of life, if it turns 0 = GAME OVER,
- After GAME OVER screen, player can send his name to ranking, only the top 5 appears at ranking screen.
In this project we use some sound effects to enrich the player's experience when interacting with the objects of game.
Sources used to obtain the files:
- Pixabay
- Mixkit