not just dotfiles!
to create symlinks for dotfiles, run:
ln -sv /path/to/dotfiles/.mydotfile ~
Whitespace cleanup method, additionally preserves one line at the end of the file:
function! Whitespace() " whitespace and endline cleanup function
if !&binary && &filetype != 'diff'
normal mz
normal Hmy
$put _
$put _
normal 'yz<CR>
normal `z
echo "Whitespace cleanup complete."
.vimrc toggle method, which does the following:
- if .vimrc is not open, open it in a :$tabnew (tab at end of tab list)
- if .vimrc is open, switchbuf over to it (currently follows your switchbuf setting)
- if current buffer is .vimrc, close it
I currently have it bound to gC
function! ToggleVimrc()
let buffernumber = bufnr("~/.vimrc") " -1 if doesn't exist
let currenttab = tabpagenr() " store current buf as fallback
let buffs_arr = []
tabdo let buffs_arr += tabpagebuflist() " collect all buf#s
" return to current page
exec "tabnext ".currenttab
let i = 0
let bnr = 0
for bnum in buffs_arr " iterate thru buf#s, look for match
let i += 1
if bnum == buffernumber
let bnr = i
if bufnr("%") == buffernumber "if current buf, close
elseif bnr > 0 " if match, switchbuf
sb ~/.vimrc
else " else create buff
A basic setup inspired by Brian P. Hogan's tmux 2.
Creates two tmux sessions - goodmorning
, for running Eclipse and Caffeinate, and workspace
, a centralized window for accessing various project directories and tools.
The counterparty to
, closes the two tmux sessions created by the script.