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First release!

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@kibotrel kibotrel released this 18 Jan 12:33
· 152 commits to master since this release

After our custom nodeJS API connector (available here), we've another one, in python this time!

It exposes the same endpoints and features as the exception of websocket support (at least for now).


Here is the current list of available functions and its mapped endpoint.

Function Endpoint
futures_get_ticker() GET /futures/ticker
futures_new_position() POST /futures
futures_update_position() PUT /futures
futures_close_position() DELETE /futures
futures_close_all_positions() DELETE /futures/all/close
futures_cancel_position() POST /futures/cancel
futures_cancel_all_positions() DELETE /futures/all/cancel
futures_cashin_position() POST /futures/cash-in
futures_add_margin_position() POST /futures/add-margin
futures_get_positions() GET /futures
futures_bid_offer_history() GET /futures/history/bid-offer
futures_index_history() GET /futures/history/index
futures_fixing_history() GET /futures/history/fixing
futures_carry_fees_history() GET /futures/carry-fees
get_user() GET /user
update_user() PUT /user
deposit() POST /user/deposit
deposit_history() GET /user/deposit
withdraw() POST /user/withdraw
withdraw_history() GET /user/withdraw
app_configuration() GET /app/configuration
app_node() GET /app/node
get_leaderboard() GET /futures/leaderboard
get_announcements() GET /app/announcements
get_lnurl_auth() POST /lnurl/auth
lnurlAuth() GET /lnurl/auth

For more information, check documentation for each function in the root or our official API documentation.