Get a visual "Zap!"" when someone zaps you or anyone on Nostr.
The Nostr Zap Lamp flashes when a relay broadcasts a Nostr event of kind 9735. You can set the lamp to flash zaps sent to a specific npub, or any npub on nostr.
The number of flashes corresponds to the number of digits in the number of sats sent. i.e. 3 sats will result in 1 flash, 152 sats will result in 3 flashes, 1001 sats will result in 4 flashes.
Buy a pre-assembled or complete Zap Lamp kit on the LNbits shop
- Show a signal when a zap is sent to one or all nostr npubs
- Background brightness control
- Easily configure to use your own nostr relay
- Simple configuration to work with any npub
- LED "Neon" lamp
- An ESP32 dev board
- USB cable
- A momentary switch push button - For example
- Four jumper cables
- Block connectors
- A case. This repo includes files for a 3D printed case
- Identify the positive and negative leads of the lamp. Tie a knot in the +ve lead for future identification
- Cut the lamp leads to around 10cm long
- Attach a female jumper lead to each. Solder or use block connectors to attach the leads.
- Attach female jumper leads to the push button
- Connect the lamp to the ESP32: GPIO13 on the ESP32 -> lamp's positive wire and GND on the ESP32 -> lamp's negative wire.
- Connect the push button button to the ESP32 on GPIO4 and GND
- Install the lamp, ESP32, button and lead in the printed enclosure
- Power on the device and configure using the WiFi access point portal.
- Use the web installer at to flash and configure the device
- Alternatively, use the Arduino IDE to flash the firmware.
- Install the ESP32 board in the Arduino IDE by adding the following URL to the board manager:
- Install the following libraries using the Arduino IDE library manager:
- uBitcoin
- WebSockets
- ArduinoJson
- base64
- WiFiManager
- Nostr
- Open the nostrZapLamp.ino file in the Arduino IDE
- Select the ESP32 Dev Module board and the correct port
- Compile and upload the firmware
- Use the web installer at to configure the device
Using a 5v Relay the lamp will be brighter, or you can swap out the light and connect anything to the relay that you want to turn on.
ESP32 GND <==========================> Relay "DC-"
ESP32 5V <==========================> Relay "DC+"
LED POS <===========================> Relay "DC+"
ESP32 GND <=========================> Relay "COM"
LED GND <===========================> Relay "NO"
GPIO 13 <===========================> Relay "S"