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This repository contains files used to create docker images and to manage FAC services that use these images.

Docker images

There are five docker images for creating the final image for FAC services:

  1. fac-python: Python3 image based on debian:$(IMG_DEBIAN_TAG) image
  2. fac-epics: fac-python and epics base package defined in $(EPICS_BASE_TAG)
  3. fac-deps: fac-epics and IOC packages dependencies
  4. fac-iocs: fac-deps and sirius packages for IOCs and bash script entry-points
  5. fac-iocs-li-ps: linac power supply IOC images.


Image tags and package versions can be edited in files and pkg-versionx.txt.

Docker images can be built locally with makefile targets:

  1. image-build-fac-python
  2. image-build-fac-epics
  3. image-build-fac-deps
  4. image-build-fac-iocs (IOC image)
  5. image-build-fac-iocs-li-ps (IOC image)

IOC docker images can be built from ansible running the following makefile target, with DEPLOY_TAG provided as argument:

  1. deploy

Note: at this point fac-iocs-li-ps is not yet configured to be build and updated with ansible.

Examples of docker commands:

  • List running services in a docker node: docker node ps IA-14RaDiag03-CO-IOCSrv | grep Running | grep fac | grep trims-qs-c123

  • Add constraint to a service: docker service update --constraint-add "node.hostname == lnlsfac-srv2" facs-si-ps_trims-qs-c1234-ia10

  • Remove constraint to a service: docker service update --constraint-rm "node.hostname == lnlsfac-srv2" facs-si-ps_trims-qs-c1234-ia10

  • watch dell servers load: