Group 3 analyzed a synthetic dataset for determining machine failures. Six features were provided, while a multivariate target included failure types. The end result was that the feature "Tool Wear" had the biggest impact on machine failure, though various features contribute to different failure types. A company in this situation should develop a preventative maintenance plan to mitigate these issues in the future.
The team approached this analysis in the following manner:
- Data overview
- Analyses and conclusions
- Next steps
The following sections break down the overall approach:
- Data Overview
- 10,000 rows x 10 columns
- IDs
- Unique identifier ranging from 1 to 10000
- ProductID
- Consisting of a letter L, M, or H for low (50% of all products), medium (30%), or high (20%) as product quality variants and a variant-specific serial number
- Features (X)
- Type
- Consisting of a letter L, M, or H for low, medium, or high
- Air temperature [K]
- Generated using a random walk process later normalized to a standard deviation of 2 K around 300 K
- Process temperature [K]
- Generated using a random walk process normalized to a standard deviation of 1 K, added to the air temperature plus 10 K
- Rotational speed [rpm]
- Calculated from powepower of 2860 W, overlaid with a normally distributed noise
- Torque [Nm]
- Torque values are normally distributed around 40 Nm with an σ = 10 Nm and no negative values
- Tool wear [min]
- The quality variants H/M/L add 5/3/2 minutes of tool wear to the used tool in the process. and a 'machine failure' label that indicates, whether the machine has failed in this particular data point for any of the following failure modes are true
- Type
- Targets (Y)
- Target
- 0 (No Failure)
- 1 (Failure)
- Failure Type
- Heat Dissipation Failure
- Overstrain Failure
- No Failure
- Power Failure
- Random Failures
- Tool Wear Failure
- Target
- Analyses and Conclusions
- Data Cleaning and Manipulation
- Dropped ID columns (e.g., UID, ProductID)
- Converted feature "Failure Type" into dummy variables
- Split the data into training and test sets
- Scaled the data in the feature columns
- Used one-hot encoding for feature "Type" (e.g., L, M, H)
- Pipeline
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- Models
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- Data Cleaning and Manipulation
Model As-Is Data Oversampled Data Undersampled Data Logistic Regression xxx xxx xxx K-Nearest Neighbors xxx xxx xxx Decision Tree xxx xxx xxx Random Forest xxx xxx xxx Extremely Random Trees xxx xxx xxx Gradient Boosting xxx xxx xxx AdaBoost xxx xxx xxx Support Vector Machine xxx xxx xxx Naive Bayes xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
- Next Steps
- Develop a preventative maintanence plan
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