Provides the pages and navigation for presenting news articles. A part of the LocalGovDrupal distribution.
- Content types:
- News article - a single news article, optionally categorised;
- Newsroom - a landing page to list and feature news articles.
- Blocks:
- News search form;
- Facets - by default date and category.
Standard Drupal module installation process applies.
By default the search and facet blocks for news are shown in the view mode for the newsroom, and as blocks on all pages under the
path if you have the localgov_base theme installed. Alternatively, add, or change the configuration for, these three blocks from the Drupal block layout admin page.
- Create a Newsroom
- Create one, or more, newsrooms for articles to go into.
- A newsroom has a field in which it is possible to select 3 featured articles.
- The Featured News block shows up to 3 featured articles - if there are fewer than 3 explicitly featured articles the remainder will be filled by the latest promoted articles (if any).
- The Article List block will show 10 articles per page, excluding those in the featured block.
- The limits (3 and 10) can be changed in the localgov_news_list view on the all_news and featured_news displays.
- Add news articles. By default:
- The Categories field uses the LocalGov Topics vocabulary. Edit the field to use alternative or additional vocabularies.
- Image is a required field - authors can upload a new image or select an image from the media library.
- Article nodes are not promoted - see the Featured News section below.
- Article aliases are: [node:localgov_newsroom:entity:url:relative]/[node:localgov_news_date:date:html_year]/[node:title] thus prefacing the path with that of their newsroom, followed by year and sanitised title.
- The Metatag module is used to generate structured data for individual news articles. This is rendered as JSON LD in the