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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 29 revisions



This library was built to ease the use of the PHP DOM object. I found it too tedious to always be writing this: [CODE] $this->doc = new DOMDocument ('1.0', 'iso-8859-1'); $this->doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $this->doc->formatOutput = true; $root = $this->doc->createElement('root'); $this->doc->appendChild($root); [/CODE]

An example of the above using this library would be: [CODE] // Must load the library properly, example: $this->load->library('domlib'); // In controller $doc = $this->domlib->domNew(false); // Creates new DOMDocument object. $this->domlib->domRoot('root', $doc); // Creates root element and appends to the document. [/CODE]

The XML version, encoding, and formatOutput are set as constants.

-- XML_VERSION = '1.0'; -- XML_ENCODING = 'iso-8859-1'; -- FORMAT_OUTPUT = 'TRUE';

This library includes pretty much all of the most common functions - I may include full DOM functionality in the near future.

You can create these types of nodes with the library:

-- Standard XML elements -- Element text (must be appended [b]TO[/b] an element) -- Element attributes (must be appended [b]TO[/b] an element) -- XML comments <!-- comment --> -- CDATA sections [[CDATA[ -- Transforms with XSLT and optional parameters -- Output DOMDocument tree as an XML string to browser -- Output DOMDocument tree as a file -- Load an XML document for processing

You can download it here: [url=][/url] The forum topic is here: [url=]DOMLib thread[/url]

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