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Derek Jones edited this page Jul 5, 2012 · 2 revisions

Vunsy system

you can download it from :

is a PHP program that built on codeIgniter and Jquery [The idea]


  the idea is to make a site with fast way debending on the widgets and layouts giving permissions to evey content for several things viewing, deleting and so.

  so as the section has the same thing built on it some applications accessible by a task bar like facebook one

[ Installation ]

* 1- copy the vunsy folder to your web folder

  2- files needed to be configured



  3- to install database : vunsyURL/index.php/install ex: http://localhost/vunsy/index.php/install

[ Running ]

* 1- normal site: vunsyURL/index.php ex: http://localhost/vunsy/index.php/install
* 2- login page: vunsyURL/index.php/login ex: http://localhost/vunsy/index.php/login
* 3- logout page: vunsyURL/index.php/logout ex: http://localhost/vunsy/index.php/logout

[ Root default logon ]

* 1- user name: root password: toor
* you can change it from: vunsy/system/application/config/vunsy_config.php
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