These command-line tools scrape data from the OIE World Organisation for Animal Health data portal, WAHIS.
It will get outbreak reports and follow-up reports for all countries for a specified disease.
It generates a spreadsheet listing each report, each outbreak and each lab test.
In this directory, install the requirements by executing:
conda env create
Then activate the environment with:
conda activate wahis-scraper
The Google Chrome browser should be installed.
Note that the server is slow, and these processes may take a long time. Stopping the download process and restarting should largely resume where it left off.
Run with:
python <output_directory> -d <terrestrial_disease_id> -y <min_year>-<max_year>
This will deposit files in the specified output directory.
python <output_directory>
This will read all reports deposited in the output directory, and write back reports.xlsx
summarising the reports.
This tool was developed by the Sydney Informatics Hub, a core research facility of The University of Sydney.
If using this scraper and its data output in your research, please acknowledge the Sydney Informatics Hub in publications.
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