This repository contains programs for classifying images. The images used for this project are images of Onepiece anime characters. There are 18 predicted anime characters. This project is packaged in the form of a python package so that it can be used by the public.
It is recommended to run this application within a virtual environment. First thing first is clone the repository
git clone
create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv <virtual environment name>
command line to activate your virtual environment in linux
source <virtual environment name>/bin/activate
command line to activate your virtual environment in windows
<virtual environment name>\Scripts\activate
install package requirements
pip install -r requirements/main.txt
This package provide image to predict in assets
directory. If you want to try predict an image, run script with command bellow
python3 <image path>
command example if you are working in parent directory of this repo
python3 assets/luffy.png
try to predict different image with command above
install onepiece-classify package
pip install onepiece-classify
acces predict method from onepiece-classify pakcage
from onepiece_classify.infer import ImageRecognition
instantiate the class with your model path. Download trained model here and make sure you specify model path parameter in the location of downloaded model
predictor = ImageRecognition(<model path>)
then you just predict your image with predict
predictor.predict(<your image path>)
Data obtained from Kaggle here. The data contains a collection of 18 onepiece character images, and is saved in jpg, jpeg and png formats.
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.