How to build a simple Web server using Native Threads aproach?
each connection is handled by a single process or native thread. When using an thead pool, multiple process are created in advance (prefork in Apache.). To keep it simple, a process is spawned each time a connection is received. other ways are: Event-driven: Node(before), lighttpd One process Per Core: nginx. Node
main: daemon itself and ignore child programs, creates a socket for incomming brower request, looping in accepting request, and start child processes to handle them.
web: called in child process, one process for each web request. transmit the requested file to the brower and exit
main keep the listen fd and child process keep the connection fd.
usage: shoot it, and it will host a simple static webserver on current directory
Make it dynamic via CGI request:
[fieldname1]: [field-value1]
[fieldname2]: [field-value2]
[request body, if any for PUT and POST]
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: foo
key: value pair