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Star Wars Characters

Web catalog of Star Wars Characters, using the data provided by The Star Wars API, it is a React application built with Next.js. The components were built using Storybook and they are styled using styled components, the data retrieval logic was implemented using axios to fetch the data and React Query to cache and update the data. There are different levels of automated tests built using Jest.

You can visit a live version of the application here.

Data Loading and Caching

The app consists of two pages:

  • The main one that renders in the root route /; it shows the main list of characters.
  • The character details page that renders in the /[id] route (where id is the ID of the character); it shows the character information. It also performs new requests to retrieve homeworld, vehicles, starships, species and films of the character.

The app uses Next.js getServerSideProps function to load the first page of characters on the server-side, so the whole initial page is statically rendered. The characters' information already retrieved on the main page is cached, so most of the information is already available when entering a character details page. Movies, species, starships, planets and vehicle data are also cached after the first retrieval.



You need to have yarn installed to build a development environment. It will take care of installing all the necessary tools.

  1. Install the dependencies:
  1. Start the development web server:
yarn dev

The web server will serve the app in 3000 port.

  1. Build a production-ready version
yarn build

A new version of the app will be available.


Unit tests are used to test all modules, Jest is used to run the tests and mock dependencies.

  1. Run all unit tests:
yarn test
  1. Watch any file change and run the unit tests
yarn test:watch


  1. You can see the components in Storybook running:
yarn storybook
  1. To build a production-version:

You can visit a live version of the Storybook here


The system architecture was designed to decouple the main modules as much as possible and keep external dependencies isolated so that future changes would have the minimum impact possible.


The model is composed of types that reflect the data coming from the API service: Character, Film, Planet, Specie, Starship and Vehicle. All of them have fields for the necessary. All the mentioned types are subtypes of Resource and share these fields:

  • id: An positive integer based on the ID present in the resource's(character, film, etc.) URL.
  • type: A string based on the resource part present in the URL can assume one of the following values: people, films, planets, species, startships or vehicles.

Modules Dependency Diagram

This diagram shows the dependencies of the main modules:

Emails Editor Component


This module exposes fetch functions specifically made for the app's use cases. They use axios to send requests to the API:

Fetchers Description
fetchCharacterList Retrieve a list of characters, it uses a pagination strategy imposed by the API.
fetchResource Retrieve a single resource(character, film, etc.) based on the provided URL.
fetchResourceById Retrieve a single resource based on the provided id and type.


This module exposes Hooks specifically made for the app's use cases. They expose React Query capabilities like infinite scrolling and caching while abstracting it from the rest of the app.

Hooks Description
useCharactersInfiniteQuery Hook that provides a list of Character's and a method to fetch more data, used to implement the infinity scroll.
useResourceQueryById Hook that retrieves a resource based on the provided id and type
useResourceQuery Hook that retrieves a resource based on the provided URL.


Components Description
AttributesContainer Shows all the character information in a fun way
Button Stylized button
Card Stylized card container component, used as a div or a li
CharacterLoader AttributesContainer wrapper that retrieves homeworld information from the API
DataContainer Stylized container component, used as a ul, contains one or more Card's
Heading Stylized Heading component, used as an h1 or h2
Logo Our logo
Main Renders the main application page with the list of characters
NavBar Stylized Top navigation bar, contains the Logo
ResourceCard Stylized card container that show a list of resources using a ResourceList, used as a div
ResourceItem Renders one resource, used as a li
ResourceList Responsible for showing a list of resources; it contains one or more ResourceItem. Used as a div
ViewContainer Stylized outer container component