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Utilities for PostgreSQL based Projects

This project contains tools for common tasks when deploying docker based applications using PostgreSQL as a database backend.


Migrations are done by diffing a vanilla schema created by application components to a given target database. This has many advantages:

  • no need for manually creating migration files
  • sql scripts do not need to be idempotent (no more alter table)
  • manually applied schema changes on an installation are made visible


Create one or more db setup docker images, which should meet the following requirements:

  • uses PGHOST, PGPORT, PGUSER, PGPASSWORD, PGDATABASE from the postgres client environment variables to connect to the database server.
  • has an executable named setup_db which sets up the database schemas etc.

An example Dockerfile for such a setup image might look like this:

FROM alpine:3.11.5
RUN apk --update --no-cache add postgresql-client=12.2-r0
COPY setup_db /usr/bin/
RUN chmod 755 /usr/bin/setup_db
CMD true

A setup_db script using PostgreSQL client tools might look like this:

set -e
createdb myproject
psql -c 'create schema backend create table articles(id int);' myproject

Note: The setup_db script can be in any language as long as it honors the connection environment variables.

Another setup_db script might build upon the first, for example the following script requires the myproject database to exist.

set -e
psql -c 'create schema frontend create table published_articles(id int);' myproject

After building the images with docker we can now use also docker to get the diff to whatever database server like this:

docker run --rm \
  -e DB_URI="postgres:[email protected]:5432/myproject \
  -e SETUP_IMAGES="myproject-backend-db myproject-frontend-db" \
  -e SCHEMAS="backend frontend" \
  -v "$PWD/out:/out" \
  -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \
  lovelysystems/pgutil:dev pgutil diff /out

The above example will generate a file for every changed schema in the ./out directory. Every file contains sql statements which make the target database be the same as the source database. The diffs are generated using Migra.

The following environment variabes are used by the pgutil docker image:

  • DB_URI: the uri of the database to be migrated
  • SETUP_IMAGES: a list of docker image names to be used as setup images
  • SCHEMAS: optional list of schemas to diff, if not provided the full database is diffed.

Note that it is required to mount the docker socket into the docker container, because the diff tool requires a docker daemon to run the required containers.


  • Example project
  • Currently roles are not synced, so the target database needs to have the roles and users defined, in future we might also diff such global objects.


Postgres Utilities






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